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The hospital ward window
Stares out across London,
And so do I.
It's a concrete abomination by day,
And yet
The plethora of little lights
Have a firm but tender
Hold of my heart come night.
I hadn't dreamed
There would be such colours -
From stark white light
To honeyed gold,
A viridescent green atop some building
In the distance,
Neighboured by a deep red.
It seems such a sight to behold,
And it remains beautiful until I recall
That these artificial lights
Are the very reason
Why I cannot see the stars tonight;
The sickly backlight of the city
Pretends to be a wonder,
And I ponder
Whether this poem is just about the skyline -
I have read between my own lines,
Lost in the glow of my own screen...
I can recognise the beauty,
The wonder, of what lies before me,
But I cannot love the London skyline,
Not when the stars
That showed me the way so selflessly
Are drowning beneath the smog.
The beauty that the window and I
Gaze upon
Costs more than just the view.
The Earth and I,
My stars and me...
I have anchored my heart tonight,
Lest it be burned
By the fluorescent chemicals
Bubbling inside London's neon lights.

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