Clovette XII

7 1 0

I chase her
As the moon pursues the sun -
So close, yet so far.
Her laugh is her beauty:
Time may change her body,
But she is forever young,
Forever splendid -
Always playful, longing
To please,
Eager to
She does both for me,
And how wonderfully
Those jasper eyes gleam -
I hold
Them in my gaze,
And laugh in a way
That I thought I'd left
Alongside my childhood
When she tells me
She'll hide;
When she tells me
I'll seek.
Always, I oblige,
I've already found what
I'm looking for -
She's stood before me,
Always splendid,
Forever playful,
Eager to please and
For love, but knowing
That she will long no more
Once I have finished counting to ten.

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