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Fickle flames burning bright,
There's no way of knowing
If he'll keep me warm tonight.
The strain on these seams is showing -
He can take what he wants, claiming
That he does not know how to give
Me what I need, constantly blaming
Everything other than himself -
It's the dysfunctional thoughts that he relives
Over and over again;
Not his inaction or idleness, even when
His words are thoughtless, tongue blunt
Like a rusted knife: I am bleeding again.
It is almost an affront
That the flow of my blood is steady,
That it makes me feel much more alive
Than he does; instead he
Leaves me feeling hollow, feeling used.
His words are careless, his thoughts are brainless -
He claims that I leave him confused
When I ask for him to treat me well too.
Infinitely shameless,
He takes full advantage: always has, always will.
He alleges that he's blameless,
As though he is not the fire
That does naught but consume.
There is no heat, no light, no happiness nor success
Despite the fuel stacked in the hearth, higher and higher.
Each selfish act, each tasteless comment he won't repress,
I consider leaving him sometime soon.
He must know - any human would know - this isn't right:
That I am unhappy, and that he is why.

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