I Still Care Enough.

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I wish I was feeling romantic tonight;
That I could delve into a desire for the touch
Of your skin, that I could proclaim an immortal love
For you. Perhaps this is for you,
But it's far from a lovestruck epic about wishing to be
Held in your arms, whispering your name,
Because all I can think about
Is the calamity, the disaster, the worst possible outcome
Of what awaits you.
There is no joint future between you and I,
You've made that much clear, but I still care enough
To worry just for you.
Is it wrong that I still mourn your misfortune?
No, I have nothing at stake, yet here I am-
It's one o'clock in the morning, and I feel like crying:
For you, about you, for your future, your life,
For things that are not mine to cry over.
I am crying, for your health, your beauty, your spirit,
Your soul... If only I could come and get you,
Wrap you in my arms and take you home.
The tide is rising, you're out of sight:
I'm drowning beneath the anxiety, the unfounded anxiety.
This is not romance; this is not love.
No matter what, though, I still care enough
To wonder whether you are safe and well tonight.

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