A Wonderful Life.

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The two of you
Look at me -
When you're not
At each other's throats,
You're still not content
With peace.
I try to explain all of the ways
You've hurt me,
As though I am the adult;
As though you are
The children.
We've had this so many times,
But you do not change -
You don't want to, you refuse
To take any blame.
Nineteen years -
Nothing's changed.
I cry,
And you ask how I
Have the nerve.
No words can move you,
But I look
Into your eyes,
And I think
"What a wonderful life
You could have given me",
Though you wouldn't
Understand; you will not
Change, not for
Anything or anyone.
I've tasted that life now,
What love is -
I see your arrogance
For what it is,
And I forgave you;
I forgave you,
But you still do to my sisters,
Your daughters,
What you did to me.
I see them shrink away, cry,
Endure the toxicity
Now that I'm not there
To shield them
Anymore. I see them
Crumble, believe your words,
And I am seething
Once again.
It took me the longest time
To learn I was
Worth being angry for;
Worth fighting for,
And that was your fault;
That is your fault
In those girls,
But I know what we're worth.
I wonder
Where you'll be
When they, too, leave.
Perhaps you'll regret it then:
Perhaps you'll feel enough
To understand
When we say
"What a wonderful life
You could have given us."

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