Under The Rug.

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And back it comes...
My head is aflame, muscles taut,
Hands shaking too terribly
To make a cup of tea -
I suppose I'm beyond the stage
Where that would help, anyway.
I already took a hot bath,
Spent some time distracting myself,
Keeping busy,
But it's difficult to keep moving,
And only grows harder as it is time to sleep.
I closed my eyes,
Then forgot to breathe,
Tears springing into my eyes,
I considered texting a friend, but it's 3am.
I am enough of a burden as it is.
The little blade calls to me,
So I take it, and I cut.
It's a bit of a mess, it's a lot of a mess,
But it's easy enough to wipe up.
A bandage hides those cuts,
Like dirt swept under a rug.
This used to be enough to calm down -
Why can't I just stop and breathe now?

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