Clovette I - Clovette's Overture

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Paint to canvas,
I put
Her face on the wall,
Because I had nearly forgotten
How it looked;
I had nearly forgotten
Those molten eyes.
Now they are there,
And her smile is there -
That omnipresent smile,
It is the crescent moon,
And it is upon
My wall.
Beautiful Clovette,
Paint on canvas
Could not do justice to
Beautiful Clovette,
I could not do justice to
Clovette, whose
Smile is the crescent moon,
Whose eyes
Are jasper,
Who I have put
Upon my wall.
I will not forget
Her joy;
How she wielded it
Like a hammer,
How it made
That molten jasper gleam.
I will not forget
That crescent moon;
My beautiful Clovette,
I put
Paint to canvas.
Her visage,
The night sky -
I put
Them upon the wall.
I don't want
To forget
Beautiful Clovette,
To whom no artist
Could do justice.

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