Behind Me.

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He ruined my childhood,
And I still hear his footsteps
Behind me now.
I'm not scared to glance backwards,
For I know that - so long as I keep moving -
He cannot catch me, own me,
Break me; not again.
I gave him chance after chance
To turn things around,
Only for him to wound me
As soon as he was close enough to reach me.
Over and over, I tried -
I wanted to be loved,
I wanted him to be happy,
I wanted him to feel proud,
I didn't want him to hurt me again.
In hindsight, he should have known better:
I was a child, he was a fully grown man...
Perhaps he took pleasure in how easy it was
To break me, to manipulate, to destroy,
To pretend to change, only to stab me again.
If I keep moving, he won't catch me -
I am not particularly fast,
But I need only be faster than him.
It is not hard to be faster than him.

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