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A trickle of smoke,
A lock of ashen hair -
To breathe her in
Is spiritual.
She caresses my body,
Gentle hands
Smoothing over the cracks
That appeared
When I began to crumble
Under life's pressures.
She doesn't say anything;
There's no need,
For she guides my weary heart
Back to its youthful ways.
I feel it beat for what feels like
The first time.
I feel it beat, and then I feel
All of the things that I've
Buried over the years,
The guilt of the lies,
And the ghosts of the parts of myself
That I felt I had to leave behind.
She smiled. There was nothing I could say
That she didn't already know,
But there were many things
That I didn't know,
For when I reached
To take her hand,
My fingers passed straight through.

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