Clovette XXIII

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Deftly, she weaves in a red rose
Whilst braiding my hair,
Supple fingers gentle
As the warmth of her breath
Washing over the nape of my neck.
She straightens the collar
Of my shirt; the one that she ironed,
And closes the clasp
Of my necklace on my behalf.
She has made me beautiful, I say,
But she refutes it immediately -
I was always this way; she believes
That she has simply helped me to see.
It would be neither the first nor the last time
She revealed that something I desire
Is already mine;
I hadn't thought I knew how to love,
But I found myself loving her as though
It was the most natural thing.
I never thought I could love myself,
But I glance in the mirror
And smile.
The rose in my hair, braided so
Delicately, the colour of my cheeks -
She has made me a work of art;
For the first time, I can find no fault
In my reflection.
I see somebody deserving of
The diamond pendant resting atop their breast,
A portrait finally beautiful enough
To proudly bear the artist's mark.

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