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Jasmine POV

Standing on the apron holding my hand out I was desperate for my partner to tag me into the match. I was in a mixed tag match with Seth against Corbin and Bayley and I had been dying to get my hands on that little snot for weeks.

Bayley was one of only two people I couldn't stand the other being Roman Reigns, the guy was so arrogant walking around here like he owned the joint like everyone owed him something. The way girls just fall at his feet made me feel sick, I mean sure he's attractive but he's just so ugh.

Lost in my thoughts I hadn't been paying attention to what was going on and suddenly I felt my feet leave the apron, and my body fly backwards before my back hit the barricade. A little dazed I try to stand but something hits me round the side of the head and all I can hear is my ears ringing.

Moving myself into the corner away from what I can only assume has turned into a brawl I try to get my bearings and get to my feet however before I have chance I'm being lifted up and carried back up the ramp, too focused on the pain in my head and back and assuming that it is Seth I lean my head against his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I deep voice asks as I'm placed on a bed in medical, looking up at the source of the voice to my horror I find that it's not Seth

"You" I gasp

"Me" he smirks "it's alright you don't need to thank me, I only saved you from one hell of a beating but hey"

"And did I ask for your help?" I say and his smirk fades

"No you didn't" he says "but you needed it"

"Ok let's get one thing straight" I say "I'm am not some damsel in distress that you can save, I don't want or need you're help"

"Jasmine why do you hate me?" He asks "what did I ever do to you?"

"Becuase Roman you're an arrogant, egotistical asshole" I say "you walk around here like you own the place, like everyone is beneath you, well guess what you're shit stinks just like the rest of us" I say and he chuckles

"I hate to break it to you but you're no picnic either" he says "You're stubborn, you won't let anyone help you and you sway that sexy ass of yours around teasing every damn guy in the place when they have no chance of getting anywhere near you"

Sexy ass? Wait what?

"You've been looking at my ass?" I say giving him the evil eye

"Pretty hard not to" he chuckles

"Ok I'm done with this, from now on you stay away from me, do not try to help me and keep your damn dirty eyes off my ass" I snap

"Fine if that's what you want" he sighs "you know it wouldn't hurt you to let some in" he says looking kind of defeated

"Well when I do it ain't going to be you" I say and he shakes his head before leaving.

Within seconds of him leaving a very panicked Seth comes rushing through the door.

"Jasmine oh my god are you alright?" He asks

"Yeah I think so" I say "what the hell happened out there?"

"Bayley got tagged in and before I could get to you she charges you off the apron" he says "next thing I know Corbin came at you with a chair, I pulled him off gave him a beating and when I turned round you were gone....and was that Roman coming out of here?"

"Yeah he decided that I needed to be helped" I sigh "he picked me up and carried me back here"

"See I told you he wasn't all that bad" he smiles

"Yeah well he won't be coming near me again" I say "he had the nerve to tell me to let some one in!"

"Jas you're my best friend and I love you but he's not wrong" he says and my mouth drops open

"Oh and I suppose your going to tell me he should be the one I let in?" I snap

"No not at all" he says putting his hands up "I'm just saying he's not wrong"

It's not that I don't want to let anyone in it's just that right now I'm not looking. My focus is on my career and love is just going to have to wait. One thing is for sure though when the time comes I won't be looking for a six plus foot smouldering sexy Samoan asshole.

And why the hell did he suddenly decide to help me?

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