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Jasmine POV

Since we had a couple of weeks off Joe and I decided that now was as good a time as any to move my stuff into his place. I had flown out to Missouri with the twins to pack up my place and once everything was on the van we had flown back out to Florida to meet Joe in Pensacola.

It had taken 3 days to pack up my place and a further two for the van to get to Joe's place and just like that our first week off was done. The twins had helped me because Joe had said there were things he needed to sort out back at his place ready for me moving in.

When we arrived at Joe's it was the first time I had seen his home and it was nothing short of breath-taking, it was a large two story home not far from the beach and it was secluded and private.

"welcome home momma" Jimmy smiles at me as we walk through the door into the entrance way

"your just going to keep calling me that aren't you" I laugh and he nods

"Damn Jazzy these are incredible" Jey says and I follow his gaze to the wall of the entrance hall where Joe has hung up a selection of photos from our shoot and I can't help but smile, so this is what he has been doing. As I gaze over the photos a pair of arms wrap around me and I know straight away who they belong to, I lean back against him wrapping my arms over the top of his.

"do you like it?" he asks kissing my cheek

"I love it baby" I smile "is this what you've been up to?"

"not just this" he says turning me to face him "I have one other surprise for you"

"you didn't have to go to all this trouble" I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"I wanted to, I want you to feel at home here" he says "I know it's not easy leaving your home town and moving somewhere new"

"st louis was not my home town" I say "my home town is Tampa, I moved to Missouri to be closer to him, I'm actually glad I'm not their anymore" 

"that is the last time he gets mentioned in this house" he says kissing my forehead

"you get no argument from me" I smile

"guys would you mind taking Jas's stuff up to our room while I show her the other surprise" he asks looking over at the twins

"sure thing uce" Jimmy says giving him a wink before he and Jey head upstairs with my bags

"come with me" he says holding out his hand

I place my hand in his and he leads me upstairs and past the room the twins are putting my stuff in, stopping at the next room he turns to me and smiles

"Close your eyes baby" he says and I do as he asks, I hear him open the door and he takes my hands and leads me inside the room, stopping after a few steps he lets go of may hands, the next thing a feel is him standing behind me, his arms wrapping around me and his breath near my ear, "open your eyes" he whispers

Opening my eyes my jaw literally hits the floor and my eyes filled with tears, just when I think this man can't get any more wonderful he goes and proves me wrong, my eyes move over the room taking in the furniture, the décor of the room, the little hints of pink here and there, when my eyes find the crib I see what is probably my favourite thing in the room, on the wall just above the crib are my two favourite photos from the shoot.

"Joe it's.......it's perfect" I say as the tears fall down my cheeks

"Everything is ready for her, you don't need to worry about a thing" he says kissing my cheek "and I gave her the room with the best view" he says pointing to the window and he was not wrong, our baby girl has a completely unobstructed view of the ocean.

"this is amazing, you're amazing" I say turning to face him "Joe I...." I say but the second I look into his warm brown eyes and he smiles at me I stop speaking

"you what baby?" he asks chuckling

"I love you so much" I say "thank you for doing all of this"

"I love you too baby" he says kissing me "now that your here and the nursery is set up this place actually feels like a home, this is the first step in our lives together and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us"

"Me too" I smile "is there anything in particular you are hoping for?" I ask

"I'd like a big family" he smiles "and you by my side always"

"I'm not going anywhere baby" I smile "and a big family sounds perfect"

"I promise you Jas I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you are happy and that you always feel loved" he says "You and Kalia are my world and I never want to see a day when you are not a part of my life"

"Joe...." I say but I don't get to finish as he presses his lips against mine, he deepens the kiss and I feel myself melt in his arms, he pecks my lips a few times before breaking the kiss completely and resting his head against mine.

"I mean it Jas, I am deeply in love with you" he says "and I am never letting you go ever again"

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