Locked In

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Jasmine POV

"Ok let's get you fed and then you can help mama pick out an outfit" I say placing my daughter in her high chair

"Dada" she smiles as I fasten her in

"Yes dada will be here later and even though mama is huge because of your little brother I want to look my best for him" I say even though I know she doesn't understand

The first part of my plan was to really make an effort with my appearance, Joe's reactions always told me what he was thinking before he said anything so that alone will tell me if I am wasting my time.

Once I've fed Kalia we head upstairs and I sit her on my bed, opening my wardrobe I scan through the few dresses I do have, I pull out a simple body hugging grey jersey dress and hold it up.

"What do you think agelu?" I ask my daughter and she promptly blows a raspberry at me, laughing I place the dress back in the wardrobe before pulling out another one, this time it's a mint green wrap over dress with a small floral pattern that ties at the side with a belt.

"How about this?" I say and Kalia smiles at me "this one it is" I smile back before removing my robe and putting the dress on. I sit down at my dressing table and start doing my make up but I am interrupted by my phone ringing "please don't tell me he is cancelling" I mutter to myself as I reach for my phone instantly relaxing when I see Colby's name on the screen.

"Hey Colb" I answer

"Hey Jas" he says "How are you doing?"

"I'm good" I say "I'm just getting ready for Joe arriving later"

"How have you two not sorted things out yet?" he sighs

"I don't have an answer for you Colb" I sigh "It's complicated, I'm getting a lot of mixed signals from him"

"Right get yourself ready and come down to the coffee shop" he says "you can hang out with me for a bit, help me pick table decorations"

"What about Kalia?" I ask

"Bring her I would love to see her" he says 

"Alright I'll see you soon" I say

an hour later

As I reach what is soon to be the latest addition to Colby's coffee store chain I knock on the door, within seconds Colby appears and unlocks the door letting me in.

"Hey so what do you think?" he asks closing the door behind me

"It's looking great Colb" I say looking around "I'm excited to finally have your excellent coffee on my door step"

"And it goes without saying that you will never have to pay for a single cup" he smiles "and how are you doing little lady" he says crouching down in front of Kalia

"She's like me, she misses Joe" I sigh

"Hey come here" he says standing and pulling me into his arms "Whatever happens you will always have me, I've never let you down, and I have never left your side, I never will"

"I know thanks Colb" I say hugging him back "I love you, you know that"

"I know and I love you too" he says kissing my cheek "now are you hungry?"

"I could eat" I shrug "What have you got?"

"I was thinking I could go grab us some lunch and then we could pick table decorations while we eat" he says

"Sure sounds great" I smile

"How about I take Kalia with me and you can have a moment to yourself" he offers

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Of course, you want to spend time with Uncle Colby don't you sweetie" he says to Kalia

"Colly" she says making us both laugh

"See" he chuckles "We'll be right back" he says kissing my cheek before leaving.

While Colby is out I take the opportunity to have a proper look around, Colby has always had just one specific requirement when looking for premises and that is that it has a flat above it, that way if he has a show in that area he can stay in the flat instead of paying for a hotel and as I find the staircase in the back I can see that this one is no different.

As I walk back out to main shop floor I hear the door open but when I look up it's not Colby standing there it's Joe, he looks at me and smiles and the look in his eyes is exactly the look I had been hoping for

"Oh hey" I smile   

"Hey" he smiles back "I wasn't expecting to see you here, you look amazing" he says greeting me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"Thank you, Colby asked me to help him pick out table decorations" I say

"Really?" he says "He asked me the same thing"

"Why would he ask you to..........." before I can finish I hear a click and we both turn to see Colby standing outside the door

"Colby what the hell" Joe  shouts

"I'm not letting you out until you two sort things out" he says "And don't worry Kalia will be fine with me"

"Seriously man?" Joe says "You are really going to lock me in here with her" Colby says nothing just walks away

"Don't worry Joe" I say feeling the sting of his words "I want to be locked in here with you about as much as you want to be locked in here with me"

"Jas I didn't mean......."

"You never do" I cut him off "Yet you always manage to say things you don't mean don't you Joe" 

"Oh and you haven't" he snaps

"Once Joe, I did it once and by god did you make me pay for it" I snap back "you on the other hand are a serial offender"

"I thought we had got past all that" he snaps "but you just can't let it go can you"

"No Joe for some god forsaken reason it's you I can't let go" I shout

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