Reaching Out

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By the time we left my parents house I could tell Jas was exhausted so it wouldn't be that surprising that she was a little quiet on the way home, but she was uncharacteristically quite and that worried me.

Normally when she's tired I can get a little conversation out of her but this time I got nothing. Pulling up outside our house I got out of the car and went round to open her door. Helping her out of the car I pull her to me and wrap her up in my arms.

"What's on your mind beautiful?" I ask And she smiles and runs her fingers down my cheek

"I'm fine handsome" she says "I'm just tired"

"Are you sure?" I ask "becuase if there's something else you can talk to me"

"I know and I'm sure" she says "I just need to sleep"

"Alright baby, you head on up and I'll lock up" I say releasing her from my embrace "I'll be with you soon"

As I watch her walk through the door I know she's lying but I just have to trust she will tell me when she is ready.

Jasmine POV

I had honestly hoped that Joe wouldn't ask what was wrong becuase what am I supposed to say? I want to marry you even though you don't want to get married? No this is something I need to keep to myself, all the talk with his mum about marriage hadn't helped and I just didn't want to think about it anymore.

But that wasn't the only thing on my mind, being around Joe's parents had made me realise how much I missed my own and right now I needed my mum more than ever, I hadn't told Joe but having this baby terrified me becuase I don't have a clue what I am doing and I'm scared I'm going to mess it up.

Stripping out of my dress and bra I pull on one of Joe's shirts and get into bed, pulling the duvet around me a snuggle my head into the pillow and close my eyes.

It's not long before I feel the bed dip and Joe's arm snake around me, he pulls me close closing the gap between my body and his and he kisses my shoulder.

"Can I ask you something baby?" He asks quietly

"Of course anything" I say

"Are you having doubts about me?" He asks

"No never" I say turning to face him and taking his face in my hands "I don't have one single doubt about you, I love you, please don't worry about that"

"I love you too" he says pecking my lips "and I'm right here when you are ready to talk"

"Thank you" I smile "I appreciate that"

Moving down the bed Joe lifts up the shirt I'm wearing and places his lips on my bump in a gentle kiss.

"Good night my little angel" he whispers before moving back up and placing another gentle kiss on my lips "Good night baby"

"Good night baby" I say back and I close my eyes.

4 hours later

I had been laid here trying to sleep for the last four hours and no matter how hard I tried sleep just wouldn't come. My head was filled with thoughts of my parents and I had this urge to call them.

Looking over at Joe I see that he is fast asleep, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek I gently move myself of the bed and head downstairs to the living room.
I grab my phone and unlocking the french doors I step out on the decking, as I lean against the railing I dial my parents number not expecting for one second that they will answer.

"Hello?" My mum answers

"Mum?" I say quietly

"Jasmine is that you?" She asks

"Yeah it's me" I say

"Oh my baby it's been so long" she gasps "I'm so sorry for everything that happened, we reacted badly and we shouldn't have done, it's not that we don't accept you it's just we didn't understand"

"I forgive you mum, both of you" I say "that's why I called, I miss you both and I need you so much right now"

"Are you alright?" She asks "has something happened?"

"You could say that" I smile "I'm having a baby, and I'm terrified, I don't want to mess up"

"A baby?" She gasps "that's wonderful, is Randy happy about it?"

"I'm not with him anymore mum, I haven't been for nearly two years" I say

"Oh is that why you swapped shows?" She asks

"You've been watching?" I ask

"Of course we're both very proud of you" she says and I smile "wait...did you and Colby finally get together?"

"No mum" I laugh "but he is a smackdown wrestler, you've probably seen him, Roman Reigns"

"Get out of here!" She gasps and I find myself trying not to laugh too loudly "that man is devine"

"Easy mum" I laugh "his actual name is Joe and we've been together 3 and a half months"

"How far long are you?" She asks

"Five months" I say knowing it sounds bad

"That doesn't add up" she say

"We were together for three months and then we split for two and then got back together a couple of weeks ago" I explain

"Well you didn't waste anytime getting pregnant did you" she laughs "not that I blame you, I bet he makes beautiful babies"

"Mum are you and dad busy tomorrow?" I ask

"No we are free as birds" she says

"Would you like to come over and meet Joe?" I ask

"We'd love to" she says "but it's a bit short notice for getting to missouri"

"Oh we live in Pensacola" I say "I just moved in with Joe"

"Now that is doable" she says "I'll find a hotel as soon as we are done"

"You can stay with us" I say "we have plenty of room"

"Thank you, that would be lovely" she says "and thank you for calling, I can't tell you how good it is to talk to you"

"Thank you for answering" I say "I'll see you both tomorrow"

"See you soon sweetheart" she says

Ending the call I turn around to find Joe standing behind me, he must have been quiet becuase I had no idea he had even got up. Walking over he takes me his arms and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm proud of you baby" he smiles "it must have taken alot for you to make that call, is that what was on your mind?"

"Yeah, I guess being around your parents made me miss my own" I say "are you ok with them coming over tomorrow?"

"It's absolutely fine, I'm looking forward to meeting them" he says

"Joe?" I ask and he looks at me "how much of that conversation did you hear?" I ask

"Enough to tell you that you have nothing to worry about" he says "you are going to be just fine, you won't mess up, you will have your parents and mine to help and most importantly you have me"

"You are a natural with kids" I sigh "me not so much"

"Baby I've watched you with kids at meet and greets and you are amazing with them" he says "please don't worry so much"

"I'm sorry if I woke you" I say snuggling into his chest

"You didn't" he says kissing my head "I reached out and you weren't there, I missed you and I can't sleep without you"

"Let's get some sleep" I say "we have a busy day tomorrow"

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