I Don't Know

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3 months later

Jasmine POV

Standing in gorilla I was waiting for my music to hit, I had finally got my match with Bayley and it was time for some payback. As I roll my neck impatiently a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Kick her ass baby you got this" he says quietly into my ear

Joe's divorce had been finalised and we were slowly telling people about us, things between us were great and we were closer than ever.

"Thank you baby" I say leaning back against him

"I love you" he says just as my music hits

"I love you too" I say before heading out to the ring

I don't bother to do my usual entrance I'm far to interested in kicking bayleys ass, instead I just run straight to the ring sliding under the bottom rope.
The second the bell rings I'm on her, throwing lefts and rights backing her into a corner.

"Back off" the ref shouts and I hold up my hands backing away

Bayley takes a swing at me but I counter and get her in head lock

"Tap Bayley save yourself the embarrassment of having your ass handed to you" I shout at her

"Go to hell" she shouts back

As the match continues we both get our fair share of hits in on each other, but neither of us are willing to give up, circling each other I dodge another swing and get her in another head lock.

This time however she manages to hook her leg around mine before slamming me face first into the mat, the second my body connects with the mat I feel a sharp pain across my abdomen.

I drag myself into the corner and grab the ropes to pull myself up but as I try to stand I get another sharp pain "arrgh" I growl as I fall back to the mat.
I make another couple of attempts to stand but when both fail I know something is wrong, I get the refs attention and tell him I can't continue.

He rings the bell and signals for medics, I sit in the corner cluching my stomach as the medics get in the ring followed by Joe.

"It's alright baby I got you" he says crouching in front of me "I'm right here you're going to be ok"

I go to speak but I'm stopped by a sharp pain from the medic checking my stomach "argh don't touch me" I yell pushing his hand away

"We need to get her to the back" one of the medics says

"I'll take her" Joe says getting out of the ring, sliding me onto the apron and then lifting me up in his arms and carrying me up the ramp to backstage

He places me down on examination table and takes my hand in his.

"You need to let them look at you" he says "they can't help you if they don't know what's wrong"

"It hurts" I whine

"I know baby but you have to let them help" he soothes

Joe moves back as a medic starts to examine me but the second he puts any pressure on my stomach I flinch.

"Ok we need to get her to hospital and get her checked properly" he says to Joe and Colby who has now joined us

"I'm going with her" Joe says

"No baby your match is next you can't leave" I say

"Alright, Colby go with her let me know whats happening" he says and Colby nods "I'll be with you as soon as I can alright, I love you" he says kissing my forehead

"I love you too" I say managing a half smile

At the hospital

Laying in the cubicle waiting for the doctor I was exhausted, they had done xrays, and ultrasound and blood tests and now I was waiting for the results.

"Ok Miss Knowles right?" The doctors asks and I nod " Well you've been very lucky Miss Knowles, you have a lot of bruising but other than that you are fine, however I am very concerned that you are doing such physical activities in your condition"

"C...condition?" I ask

"Is something wrong with her?" Colby asks

"I presume you're the father?" He asks

"Father" He gasps "no im not, I'm not the boyfriend"

"H..how far along am I?" I ask nervously

"You are currently 12 weeks" he says "so you need to stop wrestling and take more care of yourself and the baby"

"Oh god! Oh shit!" I gasp "um thank you doctor" 12 weeks? Thats three months ago and that means I have really big problem.

The doctor exits the cubicle leaving me and Colby alone, he stares at me blanky while I put my head in my hands, this can not be happening.

"Well Joe's in for suprise when he gets here?" Colby chuckles

"Oh god Joe" I gasp before tears start cascading down my face

"Hey hey it's going to be ok" Colby soothes

"No it's not" I sob "Colby I've fucked up badly and I can't get out of this"

"What are you saying Jas?" He asks

Before I can answer Joe bursts through the curtains and rushes over to me.

"Are you alright baby?" He asks "what did they say?"

"Joe you need to sit down, we need to talk" I say and his face drops as he takes a seat next to the bed

"I'll leave you guys to it" Colby says before leaving

"Jas what's going on?" He asks "was it bad news?" He asks

"Theres no easy way to say this but I'm pregnant Joe" I say "12 weeks to be exact which means......"

"You conceived the day we got back together" he says "I'm going to be a dad" he says and a smile crosses his face that instantly breaks my heart

"Oh god I wish it was that simple but it's not becuase I don't" I say taking a deep breath "I don't know if it's yours"

"You don't know?" He says letting go of my hand "who is he? Who have you been cheating on me with?"

"Joe I haven't cheated on you I would never" I say

"Oh shit!" He gasps "Randy hadn't come to check on you had he? When I turned up I interrupted something didn't I?" He snaps

"No it happened the night before" I say "and it was mistake it never should have happened, Joe I am so sorry"

"So am I, I can't even look at you right now" he growls "Jasmine I..........you know what I can't do this right now, I'm out" he says leaving the cubicle

"Joe wait!" I call after him but he doesn't come back

What the hell am I going to do now? I had messed up big time and I don't think there is any coming back from this and Joe is never going to forgive me

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