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Jasmine POV

After leaving Joe and Paul I had found my back to the cafeteria and Colby. Sitting with my feet up and Colby's lap I couldn't shake the thoughts running round in my mind. I was convinced that brining me into his story line wasn't just becuase he wanted me with him.

Something about all this told me there was more to it, there was another reason why he's doing this and I had a feeling a knew what it was.

"Penny for your thoughts" Colby chuckles

"I was just thinking about me joining Joe's storyline" I say "I just have a feeling there is more too why he wants me in it then he's letting on"

"You mean Randy?" He asks

"Well I wasn't going to say his name but yeah" I sigh

"He has said he doesn't trust him" he shrugs "maybe he just wants to make sure he can't get to you"

"I was going to ask him but Paul needed him" I say

"Ask me what?" A familiar low sexy voice asks

"Hey" I say smiling up at him, I watch as he swaps places with Colby and begins to massage my feet

"So what do you want to ask me?" He says

"Why you want me in your storyline?" I say "and don't say becuase you want me with you because I know there's more to it then that"

"Alright" he sighs "I don't want him to have any opportunity to worm his way back in and take advantage of you again" he says

"I see so it's not just him you don't trust" I say removing my feet from his lap and sliding my shoes back on

"Baby I didn't say that" he says

"You didn't need to" I say "if your worried about him taking advantage then you obviously think I'll sleep with him again"

"You're taking this the wrong way" he says reaching for me but I move out of the way

"I really don't think I am Joe" I say "you know I thought we had got passed that, I thought we were good but if you don't or can't trust me this isn't going to work" I say getting to my feet

"Jas I do trust you" he says standing up with me "please don't walk away"

"Colb are you done for the day?" I ask and he nods "could you take me back to the hotel please?"

"Sure I'll just get my stuff" he says leaving me and Joe alone

"Baby please don't leave" he pleads "not like this"

"I know I made a mistake but I would never ever cheat on you Joe"  I say "you are the only one I want, I don't want anyone else, I just wish you could see that"

"Hey you ready to go?" Colby ask popping his head around the door and I nod and walk towards him

"Jas baby please, I am begging you stay and talk to me" Joe says following me

"Talking won't change whats going on in your head Joe" I say "if you want to be with me then you have to trust me, if you can't then you need to walk away only you can make that decision"


Watching Jas leave with Colby I knew at that point there was nothing I could do or say to make her stay.
I had know the second the sentence came out of my mouth that she would take it the wrong way.

Despite what she thinks I do trust her and I know she would never cheat on me. Maybe I could have worded it better, I don't trust Randy as far as I can throw him and I know if he got the opportunity he would try and take advantage of Jas. I know she would never succumb to him but I just don't even want him to have the chance to try.

As for the decision she thinks I need to make it's a no brainer I want to be with her and I do trust her, nothing and no one could ever make me walk away from her, from them, they are my world and I love them both with all my heart.

Jasmine POV

"Are you sure you didn't just overreact?" Colby asks as we get in the car

"Don't you start" I say rolling my eyes

"I'm serious Jas" he says "I know Joe if he didn't trust you he would  never have got back together with you"

"Then why did he say that then?" I ask

"Honestly I just think it came out wrong" he says "and you right now are hyper sensitive"

"Colby just drive" I say turning to look out of the window

Was Colby right? Had I overreacted to what Joe said? Had I taken it the wrong way?
I never expected myself to fall in love as quickly as I did and it's funny to think that the man I hated all those months ago is now the man I can't imagine my life without.

As I focus on the passing scenery I hear my phone ping and I look to find a message from Joe

Joe: I know you don't believe me but I do trust you, I love you both with all my heart and I refuse to lose you again xx

Reading his words I honestly start to believe Colby is right, I had over reacted.

Me: we love you too, we'll talk when you get back to the hotel tonight xx

Putting my phone back in my bag I turn back to look out of the window, hopefully my response will be enough to reassure him and then tonight we can work everything out.

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