One Down, One To Go

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Smackdown two weeks later

Jasmine POV

Standing in gorilla my eyes are glued to the monitor as I watch Bianca cut a promo on me, tonight was the night I was going to get my first title match since my return and nervous wasn't the word.

"Jasmine you come out here and say you are going to take my title, uh uh  I don't think so, I am the best est, the fast est, the strong est, girl I am going to beat you just like everyone else whose challenged me"

As I mentally run through what I'm going to say when I get out there I feel hands on my hips and my body pulled back flush against another body. "You got this baby" Joe says quietly into my ear "Go out there and make her acknowledge you" he says this time for the cameras to hear before kissing my temple and walking away.

For the purposes of maintaining Joe's character and not making him appear too "soft" our usual affection towards each other had to be toned down to a minimum. While I understood and I was ok with it the problem was that after the shows we were so desperate to make up for it we didn't always remember to be careful.

"So in short Jasmine" Bianca smile "I will fight you anytime, anywhere and I will gladly put this on the line" she says holding up the belt "but I am telling you girl I won't be losing"

Taking my cue as our music hits I walk out to the top of the ramp grabbing a mic on the way.

"Bianca, Bianca, you maybe the fast est, the best est, the strong est, blah blah blah" I smirk "but I am the tribal chieftess and you will bow down and acknowledge me when I'm done with you, now you say anytime, anywhere? How about right here, right now?" I ask and the crowd gives a mixture of boos and cheers.

"you're on" she says dropping her mic and handing her belt to the referee who has now appeared

Dropping my mic I run down to the ramp and slide into the ring before locking up with her as the bell rings.

end of the match

Bianca had put up a good fight through out the match and I was exhausted but I still had one ace up my sleeve, as Bianca backs me into a corner Nattie and Tamina's music hits and Nattie runs down to the ring distracting both the ref and Bianca, Tamina who had entered through the crowd grabs Bianca and hits her with a samoan drop, as she leaves the ring I go for the pin

1..,2..,3.. and new smackdown women's champion Jasmine Reigns

Standing in the middle of the ring I hold the belt above my head smiling triumphantly, I could hardly believe I was finally a champion and I had to admit I was finding being a heel kind of fun and I wish I had done it sooner.

I slide out of the ring and make my way up the ramp with Nattie and Tamina each holding one of my arms up in victory, when I make it backstage the first person to greet me is Colby, he gives me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Congratulations Jas it's about damn time" he smiles "although I am disappointed that my angel of a best friend has now become a devil" he smirks

"Thanks Colby" I smile "and don't worry I'm still an angel off camera"

"Hey Jas" Nattie says "we just wanted the thank you for bringing us in on this, being part of something this big is a great opportunity for us"

"Hey you're welcome" I smile giving them each a hug "I could think of anyone better to do this with me"

"And just so we're clear" Sarona smirks "we acknowledge you our tribal chieftess" she says as they both bow making me laugh

"Alright you two" I laugh "save it for the cameras"

I start making my way through backstage looking for Joe when I see Stephanie walk towards me.

"Congratulations Jas" she smiles giving me a hug "You were great out there I should have made you heel a long time ago"

"Thanks Stephanie" I smile "and thank you for this opportunity"

"oh don't thank me" she says "thank that hunky man of yours, it was all his idea"

"Oh I know" I laugh "I knew as soon as you pitched it because he had made a passing comment about it the night before"

"Well next week you will be facing Apollo" she says "I can't wait to see you make him acknowledge you"

"Really that quick?" I asked shocked

"Jas you are going over really well with the fans" she says "you going for the ic title has caused a stir and I want to roll with that, so provided nothing happens to you between now and then you are going to make history as only the second woman to hold that title, well that's if you win"

As I continue through backstage looking for Joe there is only one thing on my mind, making sure that nothing stops me from winning that title next week.

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