Maternity Shoot

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Next Day

Jasmine POV

Today Joe and I were going for our maternity shoot, I was both excited and nervous for the semi nude shots and I had to admit it was going to be amusing seeing Joe trying to control himself while I was in a state of undress.

When we arrive at the studio we are shown to separate dressing rooms which was probably a good idea because if Joe was with me we probably wouldn't make it out of there. We had decided decided to do a mixture of clothed and semi nude shots and for the clothed ones we agreed on a simple look of jeans and white t-shirts.

Making my way to the photography area after getting my make up done I'm surprised to find that I'm ready first, the set is simple so as not to take the attention away from us which I like and in the centre is a stool.

"Hi I'm Carly and I'll be doing your photos today" the girl smiles

"Hi I'm Jas and my boyfriend Joe will be out soon" I say

"Oh is he that gorgeous hunk of a man I saw going into the changing rooms?" she asks

"Yeah that's him" I smile

"I was hoping he was" she smiles "your man is a photographers dream, so what are we doing today"

"we'd like a mixture of normal clothed shots and some tasteful semi nudes" I say

"so the semi nude is that just you or both of you?" she asks

"both of us" I reply

"honey you just made my day" she says and I can't help but laugh "you are one lucky woman"

At that precise moment Joe enters the room in a pair of tight jeans and a white t shirt that fits him like a new skin and suddenly he's not the only one that's going to have trouble controlling themselves.

"ok if you want to take a seat on the stool Jas with your hands on your bump and it's Joe right?" Carly asks and he nods "ok if you want to stand behind her, put your hands on her shoulders and both of you look down at the bump"

Joe walks over and as he stands behind me he put his mouth near my ear "thank god" he whispers "I don't think I could have handled another man looking at you half naked" he says and I chuckle "no but she is looking forward to you taking your shirt off" I laugh and he chuckles, he does as Carly asked and she takes the photo.

After taking quite a lot of clothed shots, Joe and I remove our t shirts leaving us in just our jeans and when I glance over at Carly I swear to god she is drooling, "I told you" I chuckle and Joe looks up and gives Carly a smile making her blush.

"Stop it or she is going to pass out before she finishes our shoot" I laugh

"ok guys, Jas I wanted to stand side on to the camera and Joe I want you to stand behind her" she says "I want you to place one arm over her breasts and the other around her with your hand on the bump, Jas place your arms over the top of Joes and again both of you look down"

"Have you any idea what you are doing to me right now?" he asks wrapping his arms around me and pressing himself against me

"Believe me it's just as difficult for me right now" I say

After taking a few more shots Carly comes over with a long piece of white fabric which she wraps over my breasts and ties behind my back.

"Ok Jas I want you to stay standing, Joe I want you to come in front of Jas and go down on one knee" she says "place your hands on her hips and kiss the bump, Jas place one hand on the top of your bump and the other on Joe's head and look down at him"

Seeing Joe down on one knee in front of me kind of brought a lump to my throat but the moment his lips touch my skin I forget about it, Carly takes the photo and we carry on with the shoot.

By the time we are done we have at least 40 shots including my two favourite shots, both are close ups of my bump, one with Joe's hands on it forming a heart shape and the other with her name written across my bump, that one is just for us we won't be showing anyone as we don't want to reveal her name just yet.

After paying for the shoot and getting the disk with the photos on we head out to the car, when we get to the car Joe takes my hand and turns me so that my back is against the car, without saying a word he presses his lips against mine and deepens the kiss almost instantly.

"Have you any idea how hot you looked in there?" he asks breaking the kiss "you were driving me crazy"

"I wasn't the only one who looked hot in there" I smile "when I saw you in that t shirt I almost lost my shit" I say and he chuckles

"I'm glad we did it though" he says "some of those shots were beautiful"

"and you certainly made Carly's day" I say

"baby she can look all she wants but I only have eyes for you" he says giving me a quick kiss

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