Back At Home

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Jasmine POV

Part of the agreement between Joe and I when we discussed me starting my maternity leave was that I would say goodbye in our home town, that way I could come straight home afterwards with Joe and not have to fly home alone.

The downside was that Joe is only with me the night and now he is heading back on the road, I would have like more time with him  before he left but it is what it is and he will be on leave with me soon enough.

"Ok my mum will be here soon" Joe says putting his bags by the door "I've packed your hospital bag so it's ready if you need it and I will only be a phone call away"

"You've packed my bag?" I ask, I really do have the sweetest boyfriend in the world

"One less thing for you to worry about" he says kissing my forehead

"And this is why I need you at home with me" I say and he chuckles

"Soon baby, just a couple of weeks" he says pecking my lips

"Alright" I say "have you got everything?"

"I'm all good" he smiles "and I will call you as soon as I land"

"Don't be flirting with all those beautiful women while I'm not there" I smirk and he laughs

"Now why would I do that when I have the most beautiful woman in the world waiting at home for me?" He asks "I told you I only have eyes for you"

"I'll miss you" I say wrapping my arms around him

"I'll miss you too" he says "I gotta go baby I love you"

"I love you too" I say begrudgingly letting go of him

"See you real soon" he says pecking my lips before leaving

Not long after Joe left his mum arrived and straight away she made herself busy cleaning and tidying around, it felt strange being here without Joe, this was the first time I had been at home without him, and while I was glad of the company what I really wanted was Joe.

"What would you like for lunch" Patricia asks shaking me from my thoughts

"Oh you don't have to do that" I say standing up "your a guest let me do it"

"You need to rest" she says gently placing her hands on my shoulders and making me sit back down "I'm here to help and look after you so let me do it"

"Now I know where Joe gets it from" I laugh

"He likes to take care of the people he loves" she smiles "and he's living up to his name"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Leati means helper" she says "and as you've found out he's very helpful"

"He certainly is" I chuckle "he packed my hospital bag before he left"

"I probably shouldn't say this" she says sitting beside me "but hes been happier with you then he ever was with Galina, don't get me wrong he loved her of course he did but I don't know with you it's different, I can't explain it"

"Maybe it's becuase he's going to be a dad" I shrug cradling my bump

"Maybe, who knows" she smiles "now lunch"

"I'm really not that hungry" I sigh

"Missing my son is not a reason to not eat" she chuckles "I'll make you a sandwich"

As she leaves the room my phone rings and when I see Joe's name on the screen the biggest smile spreads across my face.

"Hey" I say answering the call

"Hey baby" he says "how are you doing?"

"I'm good, your mum is making me some lunch" I say "she won't let me do anything, just like you" I say and I hear him laugh

"Good, you need to rest" he says and I roll my eyes

"That's exactly what she said" I say and he laughs again

"It's weird not having you with me, I miss you" he sighs "and I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight"

"I miss you too" I say "if it helps I won't be sleeping either"

"How's my baby girl doing?" he asks

"Oh she is fine, she's made herself comfortable on my bladder" I laugh "I'm ready for her to be here"

"Me too, I'm dying to hold her in my arms" he says and I can hear him smile "I'll call you after the show, I love you"

"I love you too" I say "good luck tonight"

Ending the call the smile slowly leaves my face, it was so good to hear his voice if I could I would talk to him all day, just like him I can't wait to hold our little girl.

"Feel better now you've spoken to him?" Patricia asks smiling as she hands me a sandwich

"A little" I say taking a bite "mmm this is so good"

"I tell you what, you eat all of that and I'll let you help me prep dinner later" she smiles and I laugh

"Trust me I'm not leaving any of this" I say "thank you for agreeing to stay with me"

"No thanks necessary, you are family" she says "and you are carrying my grand daughter"

"Any tips for getting her out of me?" I laugh

"Well there's pineapple, or spicy food, a long walk is supposed to work" she says "and the only other thing I can think of you would need Joe for, but it's not time yet"

"No but I wish it was" I sigh

"She'll be here before you know it" she smiles "just enjoy sleeping while you can"

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