Start Of Forever Pt 3

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So far today had gone perfectly, for the life of me I had no idea I how I had made it through that ceremony, emotions were high and I have never shed so many tears in my life.

When I had seen Jas walking down the aisle towards me she took my breath away, she looked incredible and I couldn't believe I was the one getting to marry her.

When we got to he reception Jas and I had a few moments with the kids before Nattie and Sarona has stolen them away and I as I watched them dancing with my children I felt blessed, I loved bing a father and my kids brought me so much joy, I couldn't wait to have more with Jas.

I had one final suprise for Jas today I just hope I don't mess it up, I walk over to the DJ and ask him to play the song I gave him earlier before walking over to my wife and holding out my hand.

"What?" She asks looking a little confused

"Dance with me Mrs Anoa'i" I smile

" want to dance?" She stutters looking at me like she's waiting for me to say it's a joke

"Yes I want to dance with my wife" I say "Please?"

Jas takes my hand and I lead her on to the dance floor, I pull her to me assuming the stance I had been taught and then start to move slowly.

"I thought you said you didn't dance?" She asks

"By don't I meant couldn't" I say "but I knew how much you love dancing and so I learned"

"You learned to dance? For me?" She smiles

"I did" I smile "I didn't want to let you down"

"Joe you have never let me down" she says "but thank you, I love that you did this for me"

"I didn't get to be your first dance at the club that night but I wanted to be you first today" I smile "and I want to always be your first dance"

"How did you manage to fit lessons around everything?" She asks

"I called in a favour" I chuckle "Nick taught me"

Jasmine POV

Looking at my new husband I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Joe had not only learned to dance for me but he had had the balls to ask another man to teach him which couldn't have been easy for him.

At the same time and image of the two of them waltzing together came into my mind and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asks

"The image I have in my head of you two dancing together" I laugh

"Yeah well enjoy that image" he chuckles "because you ain't ever seeing the real thing"

"I love you Joe" I say as we continue to dance

"I love you too baby" he says before kissing me gently

Colby POV

"Just look at that" I say taking a seat next to Randy "perfect for each other aren't they"

"Yeah they certainly are" he smiles "I'm glad they found their way back to each other"

"How are you holding up?" I ask

"I'm good, Kim and I are happy " he says "I found who I'm supposed to be with and so has Jas"

"I think we all have" I smile "I have Becky now and I can honestly say I love her"

For a moment Randy and I go silent as we watch Jas dance with Joe both of them looking blissfully happy. I was proud of my best friend for finally letting some one in and she couldn't have found a better man.

"I never did thank you for being cool with Jas and I being friends" Randy says

"I may not have like what you did but I understand" I say and he looks at me confused "I was you once, in love with some one who didn't love me back and unable to let her go. But I learned a long time ago that it was far better to have her in my life as my best friend then to not have her in my life at all"

"Wait are you talking about....."

"Yeah" I say cutting him off "but that stays between us, she doesn't need to know, those feelings aren't there now, I love Becky" I say

"Does Joe know?" He asks

"He knows there was some one but he doesn't know who" I say

"Secrets safe with me man" he nods

Jasmine POV

As the song finishes Joe leads me off the dance floor and I think he's leading me back to our seats but instead he leads me out of the room completely.

"What are you doing?" I laugh as he hits the button for the elevator

"I've been dying to get you alone all night" he says nuzzling my neck

"Joe our guests......"

"Will still be there when we come back" he says "I just want some time alone with my wife"

The elevator doors open and I allow him to pull me in to the lift, as the doors close his lips find mine in a passionate kiss, fortunately we only need to go up one floor and when the doors open he scoops me up his arms and carries me to our room.

Once inside he closes the door and put me down, he stands behind me and kisses my neck and shoulder as he unzips my dress letting it fall to the floor.

"Damn baby you've been wearing this the whole time" he says taking me in his eyes wide

"You like it?" I asks grinning

"I love it" he says pulling me close "but you'll look even better out of it"

Joe crashes his lips onto mine before lifting me and carrying me over to the bed.

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