Goodbye For Now

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3 months later
Jasmine POV

After our dinner with Paul I had started making semi regular appearances backstage with Joe and the twins maintaining my face character but giving small hints as to the influence I have over Joe's tribal chief character.

It had been fun, I had enjoyed still being a part of everything and let's face it anything was better that sitting in a hotel room or at home alone.

And that brings me to tonight, tonight will be my last backstage appearance with Joe and I will be closing the show by announcing the start of my maternity leave and saying a temporary goodbye to the fans.

Joe had just been out to the ring after being called out by Edge, despite him saying that he was going to deal with it alone the twins had followed him out and he was currently in his locker room tearing them a new one. As I wait patiently for my cue to enter I can hear every word he is saying to them.

"What were you doing? He called me out there one on one, I told you I was going to handle it!"

"We told you we got your back uce"

"And I told you I was handling it, next time when I tell you to stay out you stay put!"

Taking my cue I walk into his locker room and approach the twins first.

"Hey guys, you alright?" I ask greeting them both with a hug, they say nothing just nod keeping there eyes on Joe "you guys go I'll deal with him"

Nodding they leave and I turn my attention to Joe, I step closer to him and take his face in my hands and his expression instantly softens.

"Hey" I smile and he smiles back "cut them some slack, they just wanted to help, to show you they have your back, they love you"

"I know" he nods "I just wish they'd listen, they listen to you, what if you..."

"No Roman, I've told you I'm your girlfriend and I'm having your child but I will not be part of this" I say "I don't agree with everything you do, I'm not like you"

"Why are you here?" He asks "I assume you interrupted for a reason?"

"I just wanted to see you before I went out to the ring" I say "but you are obviously not in good humour so I'll just go"

I turn to walk away and Joe grabs my hand, he pulls me gently to him and presses his lips to mine and the crowd cheers.

"I'll be watching" he says breaking the kiss and I smile, nod and leave the room.

Once I close the door the cameras stop rolling and I take seat to give both my back and feet a rest, standing in heels at 8 months pregnant is not easy and I would much prefer flats.

"How you feeling momma" Jimmy asks walking over

"Well apart from my back hurting, my feet hurting and feeling huge I'm fine" I smile "could you do me a favour and pass me the pair of flats out my bag"

Jimmy nods and instead of passing me the flats he puts them on my feet for me.

"You nervous about your speech?" He asks

"The speech no" I say "leaving Joe and being home alone yes"

"You won't be alone, you'll have my mum with you" Joe says taking a seat beside me and kissing my temple

"I know and I appreciate it but I'm going to miss you" I say "I just don't want to be away from you"

"I'll miss you too baby" he says "but we can talk everyday, we can even video call, and I will be with you when she arrives"

"You better be" I chuckle "I refuse to give birth without you"

"Jasmine" I member of the crew calls out "You're up"

"I wish you could come out there with me" I pout and Joe chuckles and pecks my lips

"I have a character to maintain and a reputation to uphold" he smiles "but I will be waiting in gorilla when you're done"

"Alright I'll see you soon" I say pecking his lips before starting my walk through backstage to the ring with the cameras following me.

Grabbing a mic I walk through the curtain and out the thing to loud cheers from the crowd, as I walk down the ramp I can feel myself getting chocked up already.

I slowly walk up the steps and get into the ring and stand in the centre waiting for the cheers to die down.

"As you all already know I am expecting my first child, a little girl" I say and the crowd cheer again "while I have enjoyed still being a part of everything backstage it is time for me to go home and wait for my daughter to arrive, but I want you all to know that this is only goodbye for now, I will be back and when I return I promise I will become your smackdown womens champion"

The crowd cheers and begins chants of thank you Jasmine and a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"Thank you, all of you" I say "while I am excited for this next chapter in my life I will miss this and I will miss all of you, thank you for being such amazing fans, I love you all and I will see you again when I return"

Stepping out of the ring I hand the mic to a member of the crew and walk down the steps, as I walk up the ramp I slap the outstretched hands of the fans and when I reach the top I turn blow a kiss and wave as the crowd cheers before walking backstage and straight into the waiting arms of Joe.

"You did good baby" he says kissing the top of my head "they are in for one hell of a suprise when you return"

"They sure are" I chuckle "becuase they won't just be acknowledging you they will be acknowledging us"

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