Getting Better

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One week later

Jasmine POV

After a few days I was discharged from the hospital but when they said Makoa had to stay I refused to leave him, some how I persuaded the doctors to let me stay with him and Joe started splitting his time between being with me and Makoa and being with Kalia.

Although Maoka had to stay he no longer needed the oxygen or the heated blanket, the only thing left was to get rid of the feeding tube.

As I walk into neonatal there are a couple of nurses by his incubator, as I walk over one of them gives me a smile.

"Mrs Anoa'i, just in time" she smiles and I choose not to correct her "how would you like to try and feed your son?" She asks

"I would love to" I smile "but can I do that when he has a feeding tube?"

"We have disconnected the tube so we can see if he feeds on his own" she says "if he doesn't we will put it back but if he does he won't need it anymore"

I take a seat by the incubator as the nurse lifts Makoa out and places him in my arms, holding my son for the first time since his birth was a little overwhelming but I couldn't have been happier.
Holding him carefully I free myself from my nursing bra and try to get him to lath on and he does straight away.

"Oh my gosh" I say as I watch him feed "he's feeding"

"That's what we were hoping for" she smiles "a couple more days of this and you can take him home"

The nurses leave me to feed Makoa and I can't take my eyes off the tiny little boy in my arms, he had come along way in such a short space of time and he had really lived up to his name.

I hear the door open and footsteps but I ignore them choosing to focus on my son.

"Hey baby, how is.......oh my god is he feeding?" Joe asks confirming he was the source of the footsteps.

"Yeah he is" I smile "they say we can take him home in a couple of days"

"That's great news" he smiles "I can't wait to get him home, and you back in our bed, I hate sleeping without you" he says kissing my temple.

"Looks like he's finished" I say "would you like to hold him?" I ask

"Absolutley" Joe says smiling and whiping his shirt of in one swift movement before taking a seat next to me, I place Makoa in his arms and he snuggles into Joe.

"Hey little buddy" Joe says looking down at him "mummy and daddy are so proud of you, and your big sister can't wait to meet you"

"How is agelu?" I ask

"Missing you" he says "she doesn't understand why you're gone"

"Why don't you bring her here tomorrow" I say "then she can see us both"

"Or you could come home tonight" he says hopefully

"I'm not leaving him here alone Joe" I say stoking our sons head "I can't"

"I know I understand" he says kissing my temple "I just want you home, I miss you"

"I miss you too" I say resting my head on his shoulder "but it's just two more days"

Joe and I sit for a while watching our son sleep in his arms, and it's not long before the nurse returns to check up on us, whe  she walks over and sees him in Joe's arms she smiles.

"I bet it feels good to finally hold him doesn't it" she smiles

"You have no idea" Joe smiles "would it be ok if I change him?"

"Yes of course go right ahead" she says "everything you need is right over there"

Nodding Joe stands up and walks over to the changing area with Makoa.

"He's been wanting to do that ever since he was born" I smile "when our daughter was born he completely took over, wouldn’t let the nurses do anything"

"You're lucky to have a husband who is so hands on" she says

"Oh I know" I say "He's one of a kind, that's for sure"

The nurse and I contuine talking while Joe changes Maoka and we stop only when we hear Joe start laughing. When I look over Makoa is laying there with no diaper on and Joe's chest is soaked.

"What happened?" I ask

"I took his diaper off and he projectile peed on me" he laughs

"Oh I should have warned you about that" the nurse chuckles "changing a boy can be a little messier than a girl"

"Well at least you weren't wearing a shirt" I chuckle as he dries himself off

"It wouldn't have mattered either way" Joe smiles "I'm just happy to be doing this"

"Ok we'll put him back in the incubator for a couple of hours and if everything is OK then he can come and stay in your room with you in a cot" she says

"That would be great" I smile "maybe I can finally get a decent night's sleep"

"I know we can't rush things but is there any chance I'll be able to take them home tomorrow?" Joe asks as he walks back over and places Makoa in the incubator.

"Well doctor has final say, and he'll be seeing him this afternoon" she says "but I can't see why not"

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