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The second I walked out of the room I regretted leaving but the last thing I wanted was to have a fight with Jas. We had been getting on great just lately and I didn't want anything to mess that up.
I was determined that if by some miracle she came back to me, this time I was never going to lose her again. More than anything I wanted her to come home, I wanted my family to come home but I knew that wasn't going to happen straight away.

When she asked me to stay I wanted to say yes but at the same time I didn't want to confuse Kalia, I didn't want her to get used to having us both with her if there was no guarantee it would stay that way. At the same time Jas is right if we are going to try and work things out we needed to spend some time together.

Looking up I see Jas walking towards the car and just like always the sight of her takes my breath away, as she approaches she gives me a small smile before getting in the car.

"I'm sorry Joe I shouldn't have pushed the issue" she says "but I really would like to spend some more time with you"

"I'd like that too" I smile "so I was thinking, week after next the show is in Florida, how about after next week's show I fly down here and stay with you until after the Florida show?"

"Sure I'd like that" she smiles

"Good" I say taking her hands in mine "I'm sorry I walked out of the room, it's just we've been getting on great and I didn't want to mess things up by fighting"

"We have haven't we" she smiles "I was thinking since I picked Kalia's name that you could pick his name" she says running a hand over her bump

"I'd love to" I smile "but something tells me you already have a name idea" I chuckle

"I have an idea for his middle name" she smiles "but not his first name"

"Are you going to tell me your idea?" I ask

"I'm going to wait and see what name you pick" she says "see if they fit together"

"Ok deal" I smile before leaning over and pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek and light blush appears on her skin. She looks at me smiles, then reaches up and cups my cheek, pulling my face to hers she presses a feather light kiss to my lips.

Jasmine POV

As I pull away from Joe I'm not sure if I should have kissed him like that but when I look at him he smiles at me and I relax. Part of me was disappointed that he wasn't going to stay this weekend but at the same time I was excited about spending all that time with him week after next.

"I know what you are thinking" he says "don't you dare apologise"

"Ok I won't" I smile

"Right let's get back to agelu" he says starting the engine "so the name you're thinking of, is it samoan or English?" He asks

"It's samoan" I say "kalia has samoan names so it's only right he does too"

"I love that you want our kids to have samoan names" he smiles "you embracing my heritage, it means alot to me"

"I love that the names have meanings" I say "and I want them to know about their heritage, I had hoped we would take them there one day"

"We still could" he says "Jas whatever happens we are a family, that will never change, so there is nothing stopping us doing things together"

"I guess so" I shrug

I spend the rest of the journey thinking about what Joe had said, sure right now there is nothing stopping us but what if we don't get back together and one of us starts seeing some one else? Would they really want their partners ex hanging around?

The more I think about it the more I realise that I can't stand the thought of him with someone else, I'm my heart I know it's not over between us we just need to work our way back to each other.

"You alright over there?" He asks

"Yeah I was just thinking about stuff" I say giving him a small smile

"Good stuff I hope" he says sounding a little nervous

"Yeah all good" I say

When we get back to the house, it's a mad rush to get Kalia and he things into Joe's car before it gets to late as he has a long drive back to Pensacola.
As he pulls away I stand at the door and wave them off, Joe sticks his arm out of the window and waves back before the car turns down the road.

As I stand looking at the empty drive way I make myself a silent promise that when Joe comes to stay I am going to get him back.

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