What I Want

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Jasmine POV

When I was done at the hospital Colby brought me back to the hotel, I had spoken to Stephanie over the phone and had managed to convince her to let me stay on the road, I just didn't want to be at home alone and beside how can I get Joe back if I'm miles away from him.

Slumping down on the couch I put my head in my hands and sigh.

"Hey I know this isn't what you want" Colby soothes

"Damn right it's not" I snap even though he has done nothing wrong "what I want is Joe back, what I want is for this to be his baby, I need him Colby I can't do this without him" I say sobbing into his chest as he pulls me into a hug

"I know Jas just give him time" he says "he needs to get his head around all this, I know you didn't cheat but you jumped into bed with another man straight after you dumped him it's bound to hurt"

"Thanks for that brutal reminder" I say "I love him Colby I love him so much and I never meant to hurt him"

" I know you didn't and he knows that too" he says rubbing my back "look I know it doesn't count for much and I'm no where near as good looking as he is but you have me, I'm right here for you stupid decision on your part or not, you're my best friend, I love you and I will always support you"

"Thanks Colby" I say "would you come with me to tell Randy? I don't think it's a good idea for me to be alone with him"

"Of course" he smiles "what is it with you two anyway?" He asks

"I don't know it's like we are magnets we can't stay away from each other" I shrug

"Jas be honest with me" he says looking me in the eye "who is it you really want? Who is it that holds you're heart?"

"Joe, always Joe" I say not even needing to think about it "he's where I want to be"

"Then keep that at the front of your mind when you talk to Randy" he says "but I will be there, have you decided what you are going to do about the baby?"

"I'm keeping my baby Colby" I say "regardless of who the father is i want this baby, I never realised how much I wanted to be a mother until now"

"Alright I'm going to order us some room service" he says "you just relax and try not think about everything"

Colby POV

Well I couldn't deny it in the world of stupid mistakes this was a corker, Jas had out done herself this time and at what cost? Both her and Joe being heart broken, her facing rasing the baby without the man she loves and worst of all that it could be the spawn of that slimy snake

I had known as soon as she told me what happened he had taken advantage of the fact she was vulnerable, it's what he always does, Jas is upset and in swoops Randy, funny how that's the only time he shows up at her door.

Of course Jas doesn't see that she thinks he a good friend and that she doesn't see him much because they are both busy and on different shows. I can't force her to see what she doesn't want to see she has to figure it out on her own.

What worries me is that now there is a baby in the mix Randy will have her right where he wants her, she'll need him and if Joe doesn't get his ass in gear she come to depend on him and who knows what will happen then.

Heading back over to Jas after placing the order I sit beside her and she snuggles into my side.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" She asks "I don't want to be alone"

"Sure I had no intention of leaving you" I smile "You're going tonget through this Jas and you are going to be an amazing mother, just so you know I'm rooting for Joe"

"Yeah you and me both" she says "as soon as I am able I'm getting a dna done, I need Joe back and I'll do whatever I have to to make that happen"

"I can't tell you what he's thinking right now becuase lord alone knows" I say kissing the top of her head "but I can tell you that Joe loves you and I'm sure once he's had time to think you two will figure things out"

Jas nods and closes her eyes, it was true Joe does love her, he worships the ground she walks on but as for the rest I could only hope for her sake that I was right.

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