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Next morning

Jasmine POV

Slowly opening my eyes I was vaguely aware that my head was resting on something that was not my pillow. No it was a warm naked body and judging by the tattooed arms it was some one who shouldn't even be here.

What had I done? I wasn't even drunk, how did I let this happen. Sitting up and removing the arm from around my waist I take a proper look at the sleeping man in my bed - Randy

"Oh god" I groan running my hands down my face

"Good morning to you too" he chuckles

"Randy this......."

"Shouldn't of happened I know" he says finishing my sentence "but isn't that always the way with us"

"Yeah I guess it is but it can't happen again" I say getting out of the bed and absentmindedly grabbing a shirt from my bag before heading to the bathroom.

As I pull on the shirt I look in the mirror to find I'm wearing one of Joe's shirts, I've no idea how it got in my bag but the faint whiff of his cologne makes me keep it on.

"Oh now that hurts" Randy says feigning hurt "wear his shirt after we slept together"

"Sorry I didn't even know it was in my bag I didn't realise what I and grabbed" I say

"Hey I was joking" he laughs

Giving him a small smile im go to answer when the doorbell rings, I pad over to the window and look down at the front of my house

"Oh fuck!" I gasp "this is juts getting worse by the second"

"Who is it?" Randy asks

"It's Joe" I say "we need to get dressed now"

Quickly grabbing some clothes I get dressed at lightning speed, pulling my hair back in a messy bun I head downstairs to open the door.

"Joe? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask

"I'm here becuase you wouldn't give me a chance to explain" he says "and I'm not leaving until you do"

"Your wife know you here?" I bite back

"Actually yes she does" he says "she knows all about you"

"Oh I see, she found out kicked your cheating ass out and now you want me to take pity in you" I snap

"I am not doing this on your doorstep are you going to let me in?" He says

"Everything ok Jas?" Randy asks as he appears behind me and I close my eyes and hold my breath

"What's he doing here?" Joe asks

"I came to check on my friend after you hurt her" Randy says

"Randy please just go, I'll be fine, I'll call you later" I say and he nods and pushes his way passed Joe as he leaves "come in" I say moving aside

"Ok regardless of what you think I did not cheat on my wife" he says

"I think getting involved with another woman while you are married constitutes as cheating" I say crossing my arms

"Jas you have got this all wrong" he sighs "please just listen to what I have to say"

"Fine" I snap "you have five minutes"

"Alright yes I'm married but we are not together" he says "we haven't been for months, what you saw the other day was us discussing the divorce hearing the day before"

"Then why do people think you two are still married then?" I say "if you're separated why pretend"

"Becuase my business is my own and nobody elses" he says "I was going to tell people once the divorce was finalised"

"And what about us?" I say "why were you so desperate to keep it a secret?" I ask

"Becuase I knew people would think I was having and affair and I knew they would think badly of you" he sighs "I wasn't about to let that happen you don't deserve that"

"Ok I'm beginning to understand" I say "but what I don't understand is why you didn't just tell me"

"Would you have got involved with me if you knew?" He asks

"Yes I would have" I say "I would have had no problem getting involved with a man who was separated from his wife and going through a divorce, but you didn't tell me that did you, and I had to find out from some one else"

"I didn't want you to find out at all" he says "at least not until it was all over with"

"Why not?" I ask

"Because I was scared alright" he snaps "I thought if you knew you'd change your mind about me, about us and and I didn't want to lose you now that I had you"

"Do you really have such little faith in me Joe?" I ask "I can't believe you just assumed I'd walk away, why are men so god damned clueless" I growl kicking the kitchen bin "all you had to do was tell me and we wouldn't be like this now, but no you had treat me like some bit on the side and keep secrets, you hurt me Joe and for what? Becuase you were scared I wouldn't want you"

"You were never a bit on the side Jas I've already told you that but you just won't listen will you" he growls standing and walking over to me "you don't get it do you? Why I've come after you, why I was scared, why I don't want to let you go" he snaps

"No becuase you're not fucking telling me!" I shout "how am I supposed to know anything when you keep everything hidden from me"

"You want to know why?" He shouts back

"For the love of fucking god did I not just say I did?" I shout back getting angrier by the second "so come on Joe tell me why"

"BECUASE I FUCKING LOVE YOU THATS WHY" He bellows and I just stand there and stare at him, that was the last thing I had expected to come out of his mouth and now I didn't know what to do.

"You....what?" I stammer unable to string a sentence together

"I love you Jas" he says his voice calming down "that's it, that's the reason I love you"

Instead of speaking I just charge over to him and crash my lips onto his, he wraps his arms around me and it feels so damn good to be back in his embrace.
Breaking the kiss I rest my head against his "I love you too Joe" I say and he looks at me

"You mean that?" He says his eyes searching mine

"Yes I mean it" I smile

"Come back to me Jas" he says tightening his arms around me "I need you back, I'm going crazy without you"

"No more secrets" I say and he nods "and no more lies"

Joe nods and I take his hand leading him upstairs, when we reach my room I turn to face him.

"No more waiting" I say swiftly removing his shirt "make love to me Joe"

He instantly crashes his lips on to mine and wastes no time moving me over to the bed, and this time I know there will be no regrets.

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