Hopes Dashed

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Later that day

Randy POV

After finishing up at Raw I had decided to stop by Jas's room to check on her, I had expected to find her wide awake what I hadn't expected was to find her fast asleep in bed in Joe's arms. When I had asked him to talk to her this wasn't quite what I had in mind, I guess I had kind of got my hopes up that Jas and I would get back together.

I know she doesn't love me the way I love her and that was why she walked away but the love she had for me was always enough, I didn't need her to be in love with me as long as she loved me.

Seeing her now in Joe's arms with a small smile on her face I could see she was happy and I knew it was time for me to accept that it would always be him she wanted and not me. Exiting as quietly as I had entered I close the door gently and head to my room, my hopes dashed and my heart once again broken by a woman I couldn't stop loving.

Jasmine POV

Hearing a noise I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room, the sight of Joe sleeping beside me brought a smile to my face, I had missed this and it felt so good to have him back next to me. 

Taking another look around the room I couldn't see anything that would have been the source of the noise, resting my head back on Joe's chest I start to close my eyes when I feel a soft kiss being placed on the top of my head.

"You ok" he asks without even opening his eyes

"yeah just thought I heard something" I say as he lifts my chin so that I am looking at him

"Close those beautiful blues and go back to sleep" he smiles "you have a lot to catch up on"

"I was just about to" I chuckle "but seriously I did hear something"

Groaning Joe removes himself from the bed and starts checking around the room.

"ok there is nothing and no one in the bathroom, same with under the bed" he says walking over to the door and opening it "and the same with the hallway, so we're safe"

"thank you for checking" I say as he gets back into the bed

"anything for you baby girl now sleep" he says kissing my forehead


In truth I had not only heard what she heard but I had also seen the source of the noise, I had seen Randy standing in the doorway, I'm guessing he had stopped by to check on Jas and hadn't expected to find me here, well it's something he was going to have to get used to because I'm going nowhere.

I didn't tell Jas because I knew she'd be straight on the phone to speak to him and right now I just wanted her to sleep, when I had taken her for food she had struggled to keep her eyes open throughout the meal so she really needs to catch up on her sleep right now.

Jas rests her head on my chest and it's not long before she is fast asleep, having her back this close to me meant everything and I have no intention of leaving her or the little girl growing inside of her.

While I appreciate everything Randy had done for Jas it was time for him to step back and let me take care of my woman. I'm back now and he said it himself I'm what she needs, what she wants.

"you ok?" she asks, I could of sworn she had gone to sleep "you seem a bit tense"

"I'm fine baby" I say rubbing her back "just trying to get comfortable that's all"

"Do you need me to move?" she asks and I tighten my arm around her slightly

"no way" I smile "you stay right where you are"

"good because I didn't want to move" she laughs "I'm afraid if I do you won't be here when I wake up"

"I'm not going anywhere baby" I say "I'm here for good, forever"

"I love you Joe" she whispers

"I love you too baby" I say "now please sleep"

After a few moments Jas falls back to sleep and this time I'm absolutely certain she is asleep, resting my head against hers I close my eyes and for the first time in two months I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

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