All Along

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Next day

When I wake the next morning Joe's side of the bed is empty but there is a note on the pillow.


Had some media stuff to deal with but I will be back to take you for lunch.

Enjoy your breakfast and I will see you soon

I love you


Sitting up I look around the room and my eyes fall on the dressing table and the massive tray of food sitting there. Walking over I find that Joe has covered all bases, there's croissants, granola, fresh fruit and yoghurt.

However the amount of food is ridiculous, I know I'm supposed to be eating for two but there is enough here for four people. At the same time I love that he wants to take care of us, and I love him with all my heart.

Smiling I take a croissant and sit in the chair by the dressing table

"You're da.......Joe really wants to take care of us little lady" I say correcting myself, all I want is to be able to call Joe her daddy and the idea that I may not be able to do that breaks my heart.

Just then my phone rings shaking me from my thoughts

"Hello?" I say answering the call

"Miss Knowles its Dr Stephens"

"Oh hi Dr I was actually going to call you today" I say

"Well I have some news" he says "I was talking to a colleague and there is a non invasive option for the paternity test, all we would need is a blood sample from each of you and we can isolate the fetal dna from your blood"

"That's great news" I say "let me talk to the guys about it and I will get back to you"

"Excellent I shall await your call" he says before ending the call

I felt for sure that neither Joe or Randy would have a problem with this, it's non invasive and there is no risk to the baby and we finally get an answer.

Since Joe is busy I decide to speak to Randy first, I pull on some clothes and head to his room but not before wrapping up the breakfast try so that I can eat some more when I get back

"Hey Jas, you look alot better" Randy smiles opening the door

"Thanks I feel better" I say "can we talk?" I ask

"Yeah sure come on in" hes says moving aside to let me in

"Ok so the doctor called me and he's found a non invasive risk free way of doing the paternity test" I say "it's literally a blood test"

"Jas that's great but you don't need to do this, I told you I'm happy to wait" he says but the look of panic in his eyes tells me something is off

"Don't you want to know if she's yours?" I ask

"Yeah of course but there is no rush" he says

"Then whats the problem?" I ask "we can get an answer and then we can all move on" I say and there is that look again

"Jas please just wait until she is born" he pleads

"Alright spill" I say "I know that look, what aren't you telling me, what don't I know?"

"Nothing Jas I swear" he says but I'm not buying it

"What's going on Randy?" I snap

"Nothing is going on" he says "just drop it"

"Enough of the bullshit Randy" I shout "why are you so determined not to find out?"

"Because I already know" he shouts back

"What?" I gasp "what are you talking about?"

"I already know she's not mine" he says sitting on the bed his head in his hands

"How? How can you possibly know that?" I ask not knowing whether to be upset or angry

"Becuase when we......I didn't finish" he sighs "I'm sorry Jas"

"You're sorry!" I shout "you let me go through two months of hell, you hurt me, you hurt Joe, you let us both think he might not be the father and this whole time you knew he was, and you're sorry"

"I had a chance to spend more time around you" he said "and I thought that maybe you would want to give us another try, I love you Jas"

"If you loved me you would have told me" I say tears falling down my cheeks "you would never have out me through all that, you don't love me Randy you just can't stand the fact that I don't want you"

"Jas please" he says

"No we are done, I'm done with you, we are not friends, we are nothing" I say walking towards the door "don't ever speak to me again" I say before leaving the room.

I make my way back to my room, tears streaming down my face, I want Joe, I need him to hold me but at the same time I'm angry and I want to destroy something.

Entering the room I slam the door behind me but it opens straight back up.

"Damn baby you almost broke my nose" Joe says and when he sees me his face drops "baby what's wrong, whats happened" he says taking me in his arms

Taking a deep breath I explain about the phone call and how I went to see Randy to discuss it with him.

"He kept asking me to wait, he was desperate for me not to do the test, and whn I pushed him to tell me why he told me that he already knew she wasn't his" I say

"I don't understand how could he know that" Joe says looking confused

"Apparently when we were together he didn't finish" I say "He's known all along that she was yours and yet he let us go through all this" I sob as Joe holds me

"Motherfucker" he growls "I'm going to fucking kill that son of bitch, he watched you not eat, not sleep and the whole time daughter could've......" Just then Joe stops speaking and falls to his knees "my daughter" he says quietly before placing his hands on my bump and kissing it "she's mine" he says looking up at me

"Yes she is" I say

"I'm going to rip him apart" he growls getting back on his feet

"Joe please don't" I say grabbing his arm "he is not worth losing your job over and he is certainly not worth going to jail for"

"Baby I lost two months, tow months that I could of had with you because of his selfish ass" he says "I can't let him get away with it"

"I understand but I just want to forget about him" I say "I want to concentrate on us and our daughter"

"I can't just let it go" he says "I tell you what I'll do it properly, they allow crossovers so I'll dealwith him in the ring"

"Alright but just don't kill him" I say

"No promises baby" he says "he messed with my family and I don't take that lightly"

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