Locked In Part 2

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"You think it's any easier for me to let you go" I shout back "because it's not, but if that's what you want, fine, feel free to move on"

"you asshole" she shouts as her eyes fill with tears "no that is not what I want, I know what I want, what I don't know is what you want and I'm not sure you know either"

Before I have chance to say anything Jas walks away and into the back of the shop, I follow her not willing to let this drop, I need to know what it is that she wants, she was right I do keep saying things I don't mean and I had done for the second time since we got locked in here.

As I follow her up the stairs I have no idea where she is going and I am surprised when I find myself standing in a fully furnished flat

"Leave me alone Joe" she snaps as she sits down on the couch

"No not until you tell me what you want" I snap back "I'm not a mind reader Jas I need you to tell me"

"Are you really that stupid Joe?" she shouts standing up "Are you that blind that I need to spell it out for you"

"God damn it Jas just tell me what you want" I bellow

"You" she screams "I want you, you idiot, I want us, I want my family back"

"I want that too" I bellow "I want everything you just said"

"Really? because you've been confusing the hell out of me with your mixed signals" she shouts

"I'm sorry that wasn't my intention" I shout "I was trying to do right by our daughter, I didn't want her to get used to us both being around if it wasn't going to work out"

"She's one Joe" she shouts "She doesn't understand what's going on"

"Neither do I" I shout "How did we even get here"

"We both said things we didn't mean and we both took things the wrong way" she shouts

"I want us to try again" I shout

"I want that too" she shouts back

"I can't function without you, my life without you is hell" I shout

"I can't live without you either" she shouts " I miss you"

"I miss you too" I shout but find myself wondering why we are still shouting at each other

"Kalia misses you too, she adores you, you are an amazing father" she shouts

"I couldn't have asked for a better mother for my children" I shout back "Why the hell are we still shouting?"

"I don't know" she shouts before calming down "I don't know"

Jasmine POV

Joe and I stand and look at each other both of us out of breath from all the shouting, somewhere in amongst all the shouting we had both finally admitted what we wanted and I wasn't sure what to do now, Joe strides towards me he says nothing just takes my face in his hands and crashes his lips onto mine. 

The kiss is desperate, hungry and passionate and within seconds he has deepened it and I do nothing to stop him, he moves me until my back is against the wall, I slide my hands under his t shirt and up his body and I feel him take a sharp intake of breath at my touch. Breaking the kiss for a second I lift his t shirt up over his head and throw it away.

Joe kisses along my jawbone and down to the sensitive area below my ear as his hand finds the belt of my dress, he unites it and breaks the kiss to watch it fall open, smiling he looks into my eyes and leans forward until our lips are almost touching "I love you" he whispers "I love you too" I whisper back.

"Tell me again baby" he asks as he kisses my neck

"I love you Joe" I moan as his kisses reach my collar bone

Joe slides my dress of my shoulders and lets it fall to the floor, as his lips find mine once again I make short work of his belt and his jeans, stepping out of them he moves me back to the couch, he kisses his way down my body and my bump, sliding my underwear down as he does, standing back up he removes his own underwear before sitting down and gently pulling me on to his lap.

I lower myself onto him allowing him to enter me slowly, as I do we both let out quiet moans, I wait a moment and then begin to move slowly, Joe holds on to my hips controlling my movements, he guides me to move a little quicker but then my phone rings.

"Shit" I gasp

"Ignore it" Joe says keeping tight hold of my hips

"What if something is wrong with Kalia?" I say

"Fuck, fine but I'm not stopping" he pants

Grabbing my phone I answer the call and put it on speaker "Hey Colb" I say trying to sound normal

"Hey you guys sorted things out yet?" He asks and I look at Joe who shakes his head at me before placing his mouth on my breast

"No not even close" I say feeling the knot in my stomach tighten

"I'll give you guys some more time then" he says

"Yeah alright bye" I say ending the call and dropping my phone just as my climax hits

Joe leans back against the couch and closes his eyes as he gently rubs his hands along my thighs.

"That.....that was amazing" he pants "you know we could drag this out all night" he smirks sitting back up and wrapping his arms around me

"Hmm I think I may need some more convincing" I smile

"Think about it" he says kissing my collar bone "you and me all night, no interruptions, no nothing, just us"

"Alright" I smile "Let's make him wait"

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