Twice In One Day

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Roman POV

Packing up my gear bag Jasmine's words were still resounding in my head arrogant egotistical asshole how she formed that opinion I have no idea because she couldn't have been more wrong.

Ok so maybe saving a woman who can damn sure hold her own wasn't my best idea but I wanted to show her that I'm not what she thinks I am, and why? because I like her, a lot and I would do anything to have her smile at me the way she smiles at Seth.

That's why I had gone to him in the first place, I wanted to make sure he would be cool with me dating his best friend and I also wanted advice on how best to win her over. When he told me that I was the last person she would want to date I didn't take him seriously and man how wrong was I?

"Hey what's up uce?" Jimmy asks slapping me on the back

"Hey man not a whole lot" I sigh

"ooh she didn't take to well to being saved did she?" Jey asks

"Not in the slightest" I say "she thinks I'm an arrogant, egotistical asshole"

"That's because she doesn't know you" Jimmy says "all she's seen is Mr I'm a hard ass acknowledge me"

"You know uce maybe you should just forget about her" Jey says "I mean the woman would rather slay you than date you"

"no chance" I say standing up straight "all I need to do is show her she's wrong about me and that is exactly what I'm going to do"

Jasmine POV

Well great just great! I'm out for 10 days with a minor concussion. Well thank you very much Mr you needed my help, yeah maybe if you had come out before I got hit with the chair you would have actually been helpful.

Fuming to myself I throw the rest of my stuff in my gear bag before heading out of the locker room, my head is splitting and all I want to do is go to the hotel and lay down. Stepping out into the corridor I start walking towards the exit but I suddenly go lightheaded and find myself swaying to one side where I'm caught by something or should I say someone.

"Jimmy or Jey?" I ask glancing at the tattooed arm around my waist

"Neither" the voice says and I look up to find Roman smiling at me

"wow you didn't listen to a word I said did you?" I ask

"I did but I wasn't about to let you fall" he says

"well thank you for catching me but I can take it from here" I say, sighing he lets go of my waist and the second he moves his body away from mine I sway again

"Yeah you got it" he chuckles catching me once more

"Ok fine you can help me to my car but that's it" I say holding my head

"Are you alright?" he asks

"No I'm not I have a minor concussion from that chair shot" I say

"Damn it" He fumes "Jas I am so sorry I didn't come out sooner, I'll take you back to the hotel no way I'm letting you drive"

"I'm perfectly capable of driving" I say

"Oh yeah how many fingers am I holding up?" he asks

"four" I say squinting at his hand

"Yeah you are not driving" he says "I was only holding up two"

"Where's Seth?" she asks

"he um....he had some stuff to do for Steph" he says and I'm not altogether convinced that's the truth

"alright, if I let you take me back to the hotel will you leave me alone?" I ask

"fine" he says "lets go"

at the hotel

Roman POV

By the time we had gotten to the hotel Jasmine had fallen asleep, I didn't want to wake her as she needed rest so I had made the decision to carry her up to her room, one slight problem I didn't have her room number.

"Hi, could you tell me which room Miss Knowles is staying in?" I ask the receptionist

"certainly it's 205" she smiles up at me

"Any chance you could give me the spare key card?" I ask "going in her bag isn't an option right now"

"here you go" she says sliding it into my hand

"thank you" I smile and head up to her room

As I carry her up to her room she wraps her arm around my neck and cuddles into me slightly, I look down at her and smile but I know it doesn't mean anything she is asleep and she doesn't know what she is doing.

After somehow managing to unlock her door and open it I enter her room and lay her gently on the bed before pulling a blanket over her. After closing the curtains I head towards the door.

"Hey Roman" she calls after me and turn to look at her

"Joe" I say

"what?" she asks looking confused

"My name is Joe" I smile

"Oh well Joe, thanks" she says and to my surprise she smiles at me, it's not the smile Seth gets but I'll take it

"You're welcome" I smile back "Now get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Just because I thanked you doesn't mean I like you" she says still smiling and I have to admit I'm starting to like that smart mouth of hers

"Of course not" I say "but you will" I smile before leaving her room.  

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