Wedding Choices

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Jasmine POV

"So how's the wedding planning going?" Colby asks before taking a bite of his burger

"Um well we've agreed on a beach wedding at our home" I say "other that that we can't agree on a damn thing"

"Such as?" He asks wiping his mouth

"Like the cake, I want lemon he wants chocolate" I sigh "and the flowers I want traditional he wants a more tropical theme to them"

"Ok how many tiers is the cake going to have?" He asks

"Three, we agreed on that much" I laugh

"Ok so have both flavours" he says "and regarding the flowers why not find a way to combine both, you know this little thing called compromise"

I look at Colby completely stunned, how had neither of us not come up with this? All this time we had been trying to pick on or the other and we never thought to compromise or incorporate both.

"You are a genius" I smile "I can't believe we didn't think of that"

"Well I don't know about genius" he says blushing slightly "I'm just glad I could help, anything else you need my help with?"

There was one other thing that I needed to make a decision on and it was my decision alone, who would give me away. Part of me feel that it should be Colby since he was there for me when I fell out with my parents and he was all I had through that time. But at the same time since things between me and parents are much better I know I should ask my dad.

"Um there is one other thing but I don't know if you can help" I sigh "I can't decide who should give me away, part of me thinks it should be you after everything you've done for me, but the other part knows the right thing to do is let my dad do it"

"While I'm flattered that you would consider me for something like that" he says taking my hand in his "you should let your dad do it, it is the right thing to do, you guys are fixing things and this will help heal wounds" he says "if you guys were still not talking I would do it in a heartbeat"

"I know you're right but I want you to have a part in our wedding" I say "I don't want to leave you out"

"Kalia is involved right?" He asks

"Yes she is a bridesmaid but I don't know if she will be walking by then" I say

"Then how about Uncle Colby either carries her down the aisle or walks with her?" He says smiling

"I love that idea" I smile back



"Come on man don't give up now" Nick says trying to pull me up off the bed and failing

"I've waltzed around that small area that much I'm dizzy" I say "and I've stood on your toes that many times I'm suprised their not broken, let's just stop and try again another day"

"Alright fine" he huffs "when are you next free?"

"Let me talk to nattie and sarona see when they can take her out" I say "then I'll let you know, but thanks I really appreciate it"

"No problem" he smiles "she's worth it"

"You can say that again" I smile "I would do anything for her"

"Even if she asked you to cut your hair short?" He laughs

"She would never, she loves my hair" I say "she would crucify me if I cut it off, I mean she doesn't even like me tying it back"

"Yeah thats about right for Jas" he laughs "right I will see you next time"

Nick was right Jas was worth doing this for, more than worth it and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her and Kalia, nothing I wouldn't give them. I know we haven't been able to agree on much for the wedding but at the end of the day I would let her have everything she wants becuase all I want is for her to be happy.

I wasn't kidding all that waltzing had made me dizzy maybe next time we need to find somewhere with more room, these hotel rooms are just not big enough.

Grabbing my phone I bring up Nattie's number and hit call

"Hey Joe what's up?" She asks when she answers

"Nattie I need a favour from you and Sarona" I say "any chance you could maybe take her out shopping or something tomorrow?"

"What are you up to?" She asks a suspicious tone in her voice

"I'm planning a suprise for her for our wedding" I say "and I need her to be occupied"

"Oh how romantic" she gushes "leave it with us we'll sort something out"

"Thanks I appreciate it" I say

"Anytime handsome" she says before ending the call

Did she really just call me handsome? Well that's a first, shaking my head and chuckling I fire off a quick text to Nick about tomorrow and to Colby to let him know the coast is clear.

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