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Jasmine POV

While I waited for Joe I had taken a shower, all the walking about had warn me out not to mention made me a little sweaty and so I wanted to freshen up.

Putting on some clean underwear I walked out of the bathroom and into the main room and then it happened, I caught sight of my reflection in the full length mirror.

Standing sideways and running my hand slowly over my bump I couldn't believe how much my body had changed in a few short months, I had regained some of the weight I had lost and had a few stretch marks showing.

Looking at myself I started to question if my idea for the maternity shoot was a good one. All of a sudden I wasn't so confident in how my body looked and I started to wonder if Joe's opinion will change.

Since getting back together we hadn't yet been intimate and he hadn't seen me undressed, what would he think if he saw me like this?

I pull on a rope and as I tie the belt I see the door open and Joe enter the room.

"Hey" he says as he approaches me slowly

"Hey" I say back turning to face him, and I take in his face properly, he looks sad and his eyes are red and puffy has he.....has he been crying?

"Baby I'm so sorry, I should have worded it better I didn't mean for you to take it that way" he says

"Shhh" I say placing a finger on his lips "it's ok, I'm the one who should be sorry, I overreacted"

"I love you so much" he says wrapping me up in his arms

"I love you too" I say as he leans down and presses his lips against mine.

My hand travels up to the back of his neck deepening the kiss, slowly he moves his kiss along my jawline and down my neck, I close my eyes and lean my head back giving him better access.

"I need you baby" he whispers as his hands travel to the belt of my robe.

Panicking I grab his hands with mine and stop him, and he looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I'm just.....I'm worried you won't like what you see" I say looking at his chest instead of his face "my body has changed alot"

Placing his finger under my chin he lifts my face to look at him and he smiles.

"You body is performing a miracle right now, it's creating our daughter" he smiles "and yes your body has changed but it doesn't make you any less beautiful to me" he says kissing my nose

I let go of his hands and he unties the belt, slowing her slide the robe off my shoulders and it falls and pools at me feet, taking my hands in his he steps back and looks me up and down.

"Wow" he smiles "you look incredible baby and I love what I see" he says and I feel myself blush a little.

"Are you sure?" I ask tentatively

"Baby I want you to listen to me" he says pulling me closer to him and returning his lips to my neck "I will always love what I see becuase no matter how much your body changes to me you will always be perfect"

Moving back to my lips he deepens the kiss almost instantly, once again my hand moves to the back of his neck, I remove the tie from his hair. Tangling my fingers in his hair I tug it gently moving his face back from mine and I begin kissing his neck earning a low growl from him.

Removing his shirt I take him in, with his chiselled body and long dark hair falling past his shoulders he looks like a samoan adonis  and my god did I want him in the worst way right now.

Moments later

"How you feeling baby?" Joe asks as he moves my hair out of my face

"Amazing" I say smiling at him "can I ask you something?"

"Anything" he says

"This storyline, are you ok with us pretending to be married?" I ask "will your family be ok with it?"

"I'm fine with it" he smiles "and my family will be too, they understand storylines, I come from a big family of wrestlers"

"I just wanted to make sure you know with the divorce and everything" I say

"If it was anyone else then yes I'd have a problem" he says "but pretending to be married to the woman of my dreams is no problem at all"

"Do you think you will ever want to get married again?" I ask tentatively

"I don't know" he shrugs "I haven't really thought about it"

His words stung a little, it wasn't what I wanted to hear, I knew in my heart that I wanted to marry him one day and now hearing him say that I was disappointed to say the least.

Could I spend the rest of my life with him without being his wife? Yes absolutely I could, but at the same time I would marry him tomorrow if he asked me to.

"You ok" he asks

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile "I love you Joe"

"I love you too baby" he says "I love you both more than you could ever know"

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