Have Fun

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One week later

Jasmine POV

We had moved on to the next city for the next show, I was doing better and tonight I was getting ready for my first night out with the guys in over a week. Colby wasn't sure about it but I was determined I was going and I was going to have fun.

There was going to be Colby, Nick, Rob, Tom,Claudio and Joe the usual crowd although Joe is a new addition and I was looking forward to getting my dancing shoes on and maybe even pulling Joe up on the dance floor.

"You ready Jas?" Colby shouts through the door

"Yeah just a sec" I shout back as apply a final layer of lip gloss and give myself one last look over, I had decided to go with a short jumpsuit and high heels and I was feeling pretty good. "Ok let's get this party started" I say stepping out of my room

"Wow" Joe smiles "you look incredible"

"Aww thank you Joe" I smile "You're looking good yourself" I say taking in the sight of him in tight jeans and a dark shirt, his hair as usual tied back in a bun, come to think of it I have never seen him with his hair down.

"The guys are meeting us there" Colby says as we head out of the hotel

When we arrive at the club I spot the rest of the guys in a booth and make a beeline for them leaving Colby and Joe to get the drinks.

"Hey how are my guys tonight" I smile as I stand behind Claudio and wrap my arms round his neck

"All the better for seeing you" Nick smiles "it's more fun when you're out"

"Well I definitely intend to have some fun tonight" I smile "so I'm going to say this once, I'm doing fine, I feel great and just for tonight I want to forget about it"

"You look beautiful" Claudio smiles as I sit next to him

"Thank you" I say smiling back

"Drinks up" Colby says placing the tray on the table and taking a seat

Joe smiles at me and leans in close to my ear "how you feeling babygirl?" He asks, I turn my head to look at him and smile "I'm feeling great, stop worrying and have some fun Joe" I say standing up and holding my hands out to him "dance with me"

"Sorry babygirl I don't dance" he smiles

"Oh alright" I pout "Nick you hitting the floor with me?" I ask

"Lead the way beautiful" he says walking round the table to meet me.


As I watch Jasmine dance her way through the crowd with Nick in toe I can't help but stare, she looks beautiful, the second she stepped out of her room she took my breath away.

Once she finds a spot on the floor she starts to dance with Nick behind her and I start to wish I had said yes to dancing with her especially when I see how closely they are dancing.

"Enjoying the view" Colby chuckles

"Who wouldn't, look at her she's amazing" I say not taking my eyes off her

"Yeah and you're an idiot" he says "she gave you an opening and you turned her down"

"What do you mean?" I ask turning to look at him

"She always dances with Nick first" he says "but tonight she wanted to dance with you first, she likes you"

"Are you serious?" I ask wanting to kick myself "are you sure she doesn't like Nick?"

"Joe my friend, out of all of us Nick is the best dancer" Claudio says "that's why she dances with him first, nothing more nothing less"

"Claudio is right" Tom says "she's never danced with you so if she wants to dance with you before Nick then she definitely likes you"

"Do you want to know why we dance with her?" Rob asks and I nod "purely so that she doesn't get mauled by some drunken idiot, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't go near the dance floor, that and she's tons of fun"

I look back at Jasmine and I am literally kicking myself, that could of been me dancing closely with her, it could have been my arms she was in and instead I'm sat here watching her dance with some one else and why? Becuase I'm scared of embarrassing myself with my lack of dance skills.

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