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"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Joe asks as he stands across the practice ring from me in our home gym

"Yes I'm sure just do it already" I say bracing myself, Joe had been helping me prepare for fighting men and when I had asked him to spear me he had been hesitant if not completely un willing to do so.

"Alright" he sighs, he stands up leans back stretches out his arms and yells "hoooahhh" before running straight at me, he ducks his head and grabs my hips before spearing me to the ground. The bump didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I expected to but I decide to have a little fun with him to try and lighten the mood

"Jesus baby" I say wincing a little as he looks down at me

"oh damn" he says panic all over his face "baby I am so sorry, this is why I didn't want to do it, are you alright" he says and I start laughing "Why are you laughing?" he asks confused

"I'm fine Joe I was just messing with you, but your face" I chuckle

"Baby that's not funny" he says still hovering over me "I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you"

"hey it was a little funny" I say cupping his cheek "I know you would never hurt me Joe"

"not really" he says shaking his head "ever since we started this I have been terrified of hurting you, and when I thought I had I felt like shit, you mean so much to me I don't ever want to be the reason you're in pain"

At that moment looking in his eyes and seeing the sadness there I was the one that felt like shit, I had no idea he had been so worried, or that I had had him doing something he really didn't want to do, reaching up I take his face in my hands and make him look at me.

"I'm sorry I had no idea" I say as I rub my thumbs along his cheeks "we don't have to this I can find some one else to help me"

"Lo'u alofa, lo'u fatu" he whispers before gently pressing his lips against mine, he doesn't speak samoan often but when he does it sounds so good. As the kiss continues I move my hands up into his hair, removing the hair tie. He slides one arm underneath me while the other travels down my leg wrapping it around him, feeling him grind against me I instantly deepen the kiss.

"Oh my god! Is this some new fangled karma sutra I don't know about" My mum gasps turning her back to us causing Joe and I to laugh

"no mum" I laugh as Joe helps me up "Is everything alright?"

"Yes I just came to see if you two wanted any lunch" she says turning to face us again

I watch as Joe walks over and runs his hand over Kalia's head before kissing her 

"Is our agelu giving you any trouble?" he asks

"no she's good as gold" she says and I can tell she is trying not to swoon

"I'll be right back" he says kissing my forehead "oute alofa ia oe (I love you)"

My mum watches as Joe leaves the room before turning to me looking a little flushed

"I don't know what the hell he just said but it sounded hot as f.....fudge" she says

"omg mum" I laugh "you're right though he does sound hot when he speaks samoan"

"does he speak samon during sex?" she asks

"Oh my god mum I am not discussing that with you" I laugh

"I'll take that as a yes" she winks "Lunch will be ready soon" she says before leaving the room

When Joe comes back he has a bottle of water in each hand, he hands one to me before opening his taking a drink and then pouring a little over his head and I find myself biting my lip.

"you ready to try again" he asks putting his bottle down

"Oh yeah I am more than ready" I say walking over to him

"I was taking about the spear" he laughs

"oh right, well if you're sure" I say

"I told you I will help you and I will" he says "just no more pretending to be hurt"

"I promise" I say crossing my heart

We get back in the ring taking our places at opposite sides and I brace myself "hooaaaah" he shouts once again before spearing me down to the mat. Just as before it doesn't hurt as much I expected.

"you alright baby?" he asks

"Yeah fine" I smile "It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, you're not going easy on me are you?" I ask

"No I told you I wouldn't" he says "so what shall we do next?" he asks

"Well there is your superman punch" I shrug

"Baby I am not punching you" he says

"Alright how about the Samoan Drop?" I suggest

Joe helps me stand up before lifting me and wrapping me around the back of his shoulders

"you ready?" he asks

"go for it" I reply and he falls backwards slamming me to the mat, he lets go and turns himself over so that he is hovering over me

"You alright?" he asks moving my hair out of my face

"Yeah I'm fine" I say grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down so that our lips meet, the kiss is only brief and I'm disappointed when his lips leave mine

"I don't want your mother walking in on us again" he chuckles "and I will definitely be getting a lock for that door" 

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