Have Fun Part 2

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After dancing with Nick and Rob and taking a break Jasmine was now dancing with Claudio and as much as I hated the fact that it wasn't me it was good to see her smiling and having fun.

As the song changes Claudio starts to make his way back here with Jasmine following him, but some random guy stops her and starts dancing with her, at first she willingly goes along with it and seems to be having fun but as I watch them intently the guy starts to get a little too handsy and I see Jasmine trying to get him to let go.

Standing up I walk in their direction with my fists clenched, he does not get to treat her this way, not tonight, not on my watch.

"I said let go" I hear her say as she tries to pry him off her

"This guy bothering you baby" I say pulling her away from him and into my side

"Yeah he wouldn't let go" she says

"What's you're problem man we were just dancing" he laughs

"My problem is you getting up in my girls business when she said no" I growl standing to my full height

"Your girl?" He laughs "no offense but you are the only guy I haven't seen her dance with so I hardly think she's yours"

"Listen you little pre pubescent punk" I say getting in his face "just coz I don't dance with her doesn't mean she's not mine, and when a woman says no it means no"

"Joe calm down" she says placing her hands on my chest before turning her head to look at the guy "if I were you I'd walk away, when my man is angry he doesn't play around"

Nodding the guy does as she suggests and she turns back to look at me.

"Thanks" she smiles "you need to be careful or I'm going to get used to you saving me"

"Anytime" I smile "I'll always save you Jas, well whenever I'm round to do so"

"Come on let's go sit down" she says taking my hand and leading me over to the booth, she motions for me to sit down and then sits herself on my lap and leans into me.

"You alright Jas?" Colby asks

"Yeah fine thanks to Joe" she smiles

"Now you see what I was getting at" Rob says and I nod

As the guys continue their conversation I notice that Jasmine has become quiet, resting her head against my shoulder she let's out a small sigh.

"Jas if you want to go just say the word and I will take you back to the hotel" I say into her ear

"Would you mind?" She asks looking up at me "I'm not really feeling it anymore"

"Guys I'm taking Jas back to the hotel" I say as she stands up

Nodding they all stand and each give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Colby tells her he will see her in the morning.

When we get back to hotel I walk Jasmine to her room and when she unlocks the door she turns to look at me

"You heading back to the guys?" She asks and I shake my head

"Nah I'm going to call it a night" I say and she smiles

"You can hang out here for a bit if you like" She says "unless of course you're tired"

Jasmine POV

Standing in the hallway nervously waiting for Joe to answer me I was being to wonder if I had over stepped the mark asking him to come into my room.

"Sure I can stay for a bit" he smiles and I open the door and lead him into my room.

Closing the door I turn around to find Joe standing behind me and I suddenly get the urge to do something I'm not sure I should do. I walk over to him and place my hands on his stomach and then slowly move them up his body, as I do I feel him take a sharp intake of breath.

As I wrap my arms around his neck I lean up and press my lips against his, he starts to kiss me back but then stops and moves back from me.


I couldn't quite believe what was happening right now, the feeling of her hands moving up my body had me wanting to have her right then and there but at the same time I couldn't help but wonder why she was doing this, I was pretty sure she had been drinking tonight, only a couple but I didn't want be some alcohol influenced mistake to her I wanted to be more than that.

"Jas this isn't right" I say "you've had a couple of drinks and you're upset over that guy, I don't want you to do something you'll regret in the morning"

"Joe I kissed you becuase I wanted to" she says "and by the way, I was drinking lemonade all night"

"You were?" I ask and she nods "I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed" taking a deep breath I take her hands in mine and look her straight in the eye "I like you Jasmine, a lot and I want this more than anything but I don't want you to look at me tomorrow and say it was a mistake"

"I like you too Joe and I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't sure it was what I wanted" she smiles "I want to be with you Joe, I want....."

I crash my lips on to hers cutting her off mid sentence, she didn't need to say anymore, she had said she wanted me and that was enough. Her hands travel back up to my neck as the kiss becomes more passionate, more desperate.

"Stay with me tonight" she says breathlessly breaking the kiss

I say nothing I just nod before lifting her up and carrying her over to the bed.

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