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Later that morning

Jasmine POV

After Joe had left inhad decided to head down to the gym, I couldn't do a full work out but I could do some gentle exercise.
I was also hoping that one of the guys would be there or more specifically Nick as I needed some advice.

When I enter the gym I'm relieved to find that Nick is there and it's just the two of us.

"Good morning beautiful how's my favourite girl?" He smiles and greets me with a hug

"Actually I need some advice" I say

"Don't you usually go to Colby for that?" He asks

"Like I said I need advice" I say "I don't need his sarcasm"

"Does this have anything to do with you and Joe rushing off last night" he asks

"Yes it does" I say "he wants to date me" I say sitting on the bench

"And what you don't want to date him?" He asks

"I do but I don't think I can" I say and he looks confused "how the hell can I date him when I don't deserve him Nick"

"I don't follow" he says looking even more confused

"Before I got to know him, I formed an opinion of him based on what I had seen, I judged him" I sigh "Nick I got him so wrong it's unreal, I said some horrible things to him the day he helped me and I've said some horrible things behind his back, by rights he should hate me and not want anything to do with me" I say putting my head in my hands "I feel like crap for what I did and, I don't deserve to be with him, I don't even deserve him being nice too me"

"I get that you feel bad for judging him anyone would" he says "and maybe he should hate you for that but he's chosen not to, Jas you deserve to be happy and if he makes you happy then you deserve him regardless of what's happened"

"I'm a horrible person Nick" I sigh "he deserves better than me, maybe I should just stop this now and let him find some one else"

"Jas that is a decision only you can make" he says "I can't make it for you, but I can tell you you're not a horrible person, you are amazing and he would be lucky to have you, but what ever you decide I'll support you"

And he was right, it is my decision and mine alone, the problem is I can't decide what to do, the part of me that is convinced he deserves better wants to walk away and stop this before it goes to far but the other part of me the part that hasn't stopped thinking about him since he left my room, that just wants to be back in his arms wants to be selfish and be with him.

"I don't mean to pry but did you two you know, sleep together?" He asks

"No, I mean he spent the night with me but we just made out.....a lot" I smile

"Have you talked to him about all this?" He asks

"Oh god no" I say shaking my head "he looks at me and I can't think straight" I laugh and nick laughs with me

"Maybe you should" he says "and maybe give him a heartfelt apology and you might feel better about all this"

"I tried once and he said he wasn't looking for an apology" I say "but you're right I should apologise"

Nick opens his mouth to answer but then looks over my shoulder, turning I see Colby and Joe have walked in the gym, turning back to Nick I smile "we'll talk later" I say quietly and he nods.

Standing I greet Colby the way I always do with a big hug.

"How you feeling today?" He asks

"Good thank you" I smile "hi joe" I say giving him a smile

"Hey Jas" he says smiling at me "Well I'm going to go hit the bench" he says leaving me with Colby

What the hell was that? This morning he was all over me and now I don't even get so much as a hug! What happened between him leaving my room and now? Why the sudden change?

"You joining us?" Colby asks

"I don't feel like working out anymore" I say looking over at Joe before grabbing my stuff and leaving the gym.

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