Calm Before The Storm

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Jasmine POV

As I walk into the arena with Joe by my side it was as if I had never left, like I hadn't just had 6 months away. We had arranged for my return to take place in our home town so that everyone could meet Kalia and then Joe's mum would take her home.

As I look at Kalia snuggled close to Joe's chest in her wrap sling, I can't help but smile she looks so sweet and content, and Joe is probably the only man I know that can make a wrap sling look hot.

We find the guys in their usual spot in catering and they all surround me in a group hug.

"Jas it's so good to see you" Claudio smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek

"It's good to see you all too" I smile "I've missed you all"

The guys take it in turn to greet me with hugs and kisses befo0re turning their attention to Kalia, as I was these four big muscular men coo over a baby I can't help but chuckle.

"I bet you missed me the most didn't you?" A voice says behind me and I turn to find Colby standing there smiling at me arms open.

"Yes I did" I say walking into his embrace "how are you?"

"I'm good" he says kissing the side of my head "she's beautiful by the way"

"Thank you" I say "it's going to be hard leaving her" I sigh

"Hey you have all of us to support you" he says "you'll be fine"

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE HERE!" I hear Nattie shout and I let go of Colby and turn it what is almost a rugby tackle from her

"Hey Nattie" I laugh "hey Sarona" I say spotting her over Nattie's shoulder and she smiles

"We have missed you" Nattie says "Where's the baby?" She asks

"With her daddy" I say nodding towards Joe and the second she spots him he jaw drops

"Oh sweet baby jesus would you look at that" she swoons "he looks so god damn hot with a baby"

"Hey that's my cousin" Sarona says with a disgusted look on her face "I do not need to hear things like that"

"So you never did tell me what he's like" Nattie smirks

"Alright" I laugh "lets just say......" I begin before Sarona shoves her fingers in her ears and says "la la la I don't wanna hear this" and then walks away as Nattie and I laugh

"As I was saying" I laugh "lets just say they is nothing vanilla about him"

"Oh I knew it" she smiles "you are so lucky"

"I know I am" I smile as Joe walks over to us, he slowly removes Kalia from her wrap sling and hands her to me before pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I think agelu is hungry baby" he smiles "I forgot a bottle"

"That's fine I'll take her to the locker room and feed her" I say

"I'll see you both soon" he says kissing me once more "oute alofa ia oe (I love you)"

"I love you too" I say before turning to Nattie "you coming?" I ask

"Uh yeah sure" she says her eyes finally leaving Joe as she walks along with me "so do I get a translation?" She asks and she chuckles

"Agelu means angel" I say "and I'm sure the other is obvious" I laugh

"Yeah the second one I got" she says "seriously though is there nothing that man doesn't make look or sound hot?"

"The short answer would be no" I chuckle I say as I take a seat in the locker room and start feeding her.

"Jas she is absolutely beautiful" she coos "she looks just like Joe"

"That's what I said but he doesn't see it" I shrug

"So is Randy out of the picture now?" She asks

"Yes well he was until he showed up the day she was born" I say and her face drops

"Are you kidding me?" She gasps "why can't he leave you alone?"

"Becuase he loves me" I say "Joe doesn't know about it though, if he found out he was the reason  I went into labour early he would kill him"

"He what?...How?" She asks "and never mind Joe I'll kill him myself"

"He got me stressed and it brought it on I guess" I say "followed me to the hospital and everything but Sika made him leave"

"Well I would have......what is that?" She asks

"What?" I ask

"That" she says pointing to my left hand "is that what I think it is?" She grins

"Oh yeah, he asked about three months ago" I smile "he dressed Kalia in a baby grow that said mummy will you marry daddy"

"Oh he is too perfect" she swoons "but you've been engaged for three months and you didn't tell me"

"I wanted to wait until I saw you so that I could ask you to be my bridesmaid" I smile

"Of course I will" she says giving me a side hug, "he's good for you Jas, you are the happiest I have ever seen you"

I smile at Nattie as Kalia continues feeding, my friend is right this is the happiest I've ever been and it's all thanks to Joe and the little girl laying in my arms. I never knew I could feel so much love for two people and I honestly can't imagine my life without either of them.

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