Daddy's Girl

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Next day
Jasmine POV

When I open my eyes the sight I'm greeted with brings a smile to my face, makes my heart swell and makes me fall in love with Joe all over again.

Joe is fast asleep in the chair with his arm resting on the crib, his finger firmly grasped by our sleeping baby girl. From the looks of things he never bothered to put his shirt back on not that I'm complaining.

The door creaks open and a nurse pops her head in before entering with the breakfast trolley.

"I thought he was never going to go to sleep" she smiles "he never took his eyes of both of you for a second"

"That doesn't surprise me" I whisper

"He's been very hands on with the baby" she says "he did everything, he dressed her, fed her, changed her, wouldn't let us do any of it and on the couple of times he did let us take her he watched you sleep"

"She is definitely going to be a daddys girl" I chuckle

"Lets get you fed and the we can figure out how to feed her without waking him" she laughs placing a cup of coffee and some toast on my table "I'll be back soon, oh and both sets of grandparents said they would be back this morning"

"Thank you" I smile as she leaves

As I eat my breakfast I watch Joe and Kalia sleep, if I'm honest I'm not sure I want to wake her either she seems so peaceful holding on to her dads finger, they have developed an amazing bond so quickly and I'm pretty sure that while he is home I'm not going to get a look in.

I hear some gentle noises coming from Kalia and the second she let's go of Joe's hand his eyes open, he looks over at her and gives her a sleepy smile before closing his eyes again.

"Ok so do you want to try feeding or shall I get a bottle?" The nurse asks as she re enters the room

"I'd like to try" I say "it's my plan to breast feed if I can"

Nodding the nurse lifts Kalia out of her crib and bring her over to me, as she places her in my arms I lower the strap of my top freeing myself and watch as she instantly latches on.

As she feeds I glance over at Joe just as his eyes flutter open, he looks over at the crib and sits up when he realises she's gone, his head swings round and when he sees me he gives me a sleepy smile before coming and sitting beside me on the bed.

"Good morning beautiful" he says pressing a kiss to my lips

"Good morning" I smile "did you sleep alright?"

"Don't worry about me" he smiles "you and Kalia are whats important"

"I appreciate that but you're no good to either of us if your exhausted" I say "and from what I've been told you haven't slept much"

"You needed your rest so I took care of our little girl" he says "she's been an absolute dream, when she's done feeding I'll change her"

"I love that you're so hands on but you don't have to do everything Joe" I say and he smiles

"Baby you need to rest and recover" he says "let me do this"

"Will you at least go home, have a shower and change clothes" I ask

"I had a shower yesterday before mum called me" he says "and my case is right over there with clean clothes, so I don't need to go home"

When Kalia finishes feeding Joe takes her from me after grabbing what he needs to change her and a clean baby grow.

"We'll be right back" he says pressing a kiss to my lips "we just need to get you changed don't we princess" he says looking down at our daughter who looks incredibly tiny in his big muscular arms.

"Told you he was hands on" the nurse chuckles

"Is there any chance that I could maybe get a shower?" I ask

"Of course, you room has a bathroom so you go right ahead" she says "theres a call button in there if you need help"

Easing myself out of the bed I grab my toiletries and some clean clothes and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and strip out of my clothes. The warm water on my skin is a welcome feeling and I slowly begin to feel a bit more human.

"You ok in there baby, need any help?" Joe calls through the door and I can't help but laugh

"I'm fine thank you" I call back

"You sure, she's sleeping right now so we have a moment" he says in that low sexy voice of his

"Sorry you're out of luck" I chuckle "can't do that for six weeks" and I here him groan

Turning off the water i dry myself off and slowly pull on my cleans clothes, picking up the dirty ones I open the door to find Joe standing there. He takes the dirty clothes from me placing them to one side before wrapping me up in his arms.

"Finally I get to hold you properly" he says "side hugs just aren't good enough"

I look up at him and he leans down and kisses me, I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck but just as he starts to deepen the kiss Kalia wakes up. Breaking the kiss Joe chuckles before walking over to the crib.

"We need to work on your timing princess" he says as he gently lifts her out of the crib "what do you need babygirl" he says as she gazes up at him for a moment before closing her eyes.

"She just wanted you to hold her" I laugh "I think you got yourself a daddys girl"

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