A New Light

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later that night

Jasmine POV

"Jas are you awake?"

"Seth? What's happened, are you ok?" I ask trying and failing to see him in the dark

"Yeah I just can't be bothered to go all the way to my room, can I crash with you?" he asks

"sure" I say as I feel the bed dip, turning over I snuggle into him and rest my head on his shoulder

"where have you been?" I ask

"Went out with the guys" he says "had a couple of drinks, I missed you though, it's not as much fun without you"

"I missed you too" I say "you never came back at lunch"

"sorry I got busy but I'm here now" he says kissing the top of my head "and I'll still be here in the morning now come on lets get some sleep"

"alright night Seth" I say as I close my eyes

"night Jas" he says

next morning

Jasmine POV

When I wake up Seth is no longer beside me and I can hear the shower running, sitting up I stretch and get out of bed to find some clothes. I had spent all of yesterday in my pyjamas and that was more than enough for me.

"I know you don't think you're going anywhere today" Seth says walking out of the bathroom "you still have 24 hours of rest to do"

"I know but I wanted to get dressed" I say "will you be staying with me?"

"I'm going to the gym for a work out but I'll come back after" he says grabbing his clothes

"Can I come with you?" I ask and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow "Please I'm going mad sitting in this room I promise I will just sit and watch"

"alright but if you so much as touch a dumbbell" he says

"you have my word" I smile "all I will do is watch"

Seth and I head to the gym and once there I find myself a nice comfy spot on a bench while Seth heads over to the weights. I watch him lift and occasionally giggle at the ridiculous faces he pulls and then I feel some one stood behind me.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" a familiar voice asks

"Joe hi" I say greeting him with a smile before standing and giving him a hug

"while I appreciate such a lovely greeting you didn't answer my question" he chuckles

"Seth let me come on the condition I just watch" I say sitting back down "I was going mad sitting in that room"

Joe walks around me and then crouches down in front of me looking me straight in the eye

"Ok babygirl how many fingers am I holding up?" he says

"two" I say smiling at him

"perfect" he says and the most beautiful smile spreads across his face, wow he really needs to do that more often it looks good on him

"so Dr Joe do I pass the test?" I ask

"yeah but I would have let you stay even if you didn't" he smiles "I'm sorry if you think I was being condescending but after the double vision and dizziness I was worried about you and I just wanted to make sure you were ok"

"hey you going to work out or are you just going to make goo goo eyes at her all day?" Seth calls over and Joe looks at me and chuckles. Feeling a blush forming on my cheeks I look down at my hands.

"I was just making sure my girl here was doing ok" he calls back before standing up and walking over to Seth

My girl? What did he mean by that? more to the point why I am now sat here blushing like a school girl?

Pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind I look up just in time to see Joe remove his shirt, biting my lip and unable to stop staring at him I watch as he starts to lift weights with Seth, as I watch his bicep grow I'm speechless at how big his arms are not to mention his chest muscles. As I continue to watch Joe catches sight of me in the mirror and gives me a quick wink, embarrassed that I've been caught staring I decide to head to the bathroom.

"what the hell has gotten into you?" I ask myself as I look in the mirror "you don't react like that when you're watching Seth so why is he any different?"

After splashing some cold water on my face I head back into the gym and the second I walk through the door a still shirtless Joe makes a beeline for me followed by Seth.

"Hey you alright?" he asks

"Yeah you practically ran out of here, you ok?" Seth asks as both of them look concerned

"Yeah I'm good" I say "I was just desperate for the loo"

"Are you sure? I can take you back to the hotel if you're not feeling good" Joe offers

"Joe" I say absent mindedly placing my hand on his chest and then removing it just as quick "thank you but I'm fine really, if I start to feel unwell I promise I will tell you both"

"Alright" he says

"Just sit and relax we shouldn't be too much longer" Seth says kissing my forehead before they both head back to their workout

Ok so maybe rushing to the bathroom wasn't my best idea and it's really sweet that Joe is so concerned about me, but I have no idea why I'm reacting this way, maybe it's the concussion. 


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