His What?

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Two weeks later

Jasmine POV

It felt so good to be back at work, my return match had gone well, it was just a straight forward singles match to ease me back in but it felt great to be back in the ring.

Joe and I had got even closer but we still hadn't told anyone about us yet, this week we were in his home town pensecola and I had hoped he would invite me to his place but he insisted on me staying at the hotel and him seeing me there.

We spent pretty much every night together except for the last couple of nights when he had "stuff to do" whatever that means.

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something that there was something about him I didn't know and he wasn't telling. At the beginning I could have walked away from him but now that was impossible, despite everything I had started to fall for Joe and that made what was going on hurt even more.

"Hey great first match back" Nattie says giving me a hug

"Thanks Nat" I say "it's great to be back"

"It's good to have you back I've missed you" she says "by the way TJ has this friend I think would be perfect for you"

"Nat you know the deal" I laugh "career comes first everything else waits"

"Girl excuse the bluntness but you need to get laid" she says "how longs has it been since you and Randy split? A year?"

"Yeah about that" I say "and I said after that that my career was my priority"

"There has to be some one here that's caught your eye" she says nudging me "I mean come on you're human not a machine"

You have no idea I think to myself

"Not really" I lie "even if there was like I said I'm not looking"

"Whose that?" I ask glancing over her shoulder and seeing Joe leaning against a wall talking to a very attractive woman

"Oh that is Mrs Anoai, Joe's wife" she says "lucky woman"

"His wife?" I ask trying desperately to hide the fact I had just taken a knife to the heart

Please god tell me this is not happening, please tell me I have not become the other woman! Watching him with her hurt like hell, but now everything made sense, I was his dirty little secret, I was his bit on the side.

"You ok?" Nattie asks

"What? Oh yeah I'm fine" I say "how long have they been married?"

"2 years I think" she says "no kids though"

Oh thank god that is the only thing that could have made this worse. I can't believe he is the kind of guy who cheats on his wife. I am immediately relived that we never went any further than making out, but as of right now whatever we had is over if I had known he was married I never would have got involved.

"Listen could you let Colby know that I've gone back to the hotel" I say and Nattie nods

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asks

"I'm fine I promise" I say "I'm just tired"

Grabbing my stuff from the locker room I head to the car deciding I will get showered and changed at the hotel, I just want to get out of here. Throwing my stuff in the trunk of my car I walk round to the drivers side door.

"Hey Jas wait up" I hear Joe call out, instead of just getting in the car and leaving I walk up to him and slap him hard across the face.

"The hell was that for?" He asks holding his face

"Stay the hell away from me Joe" I snap "I told you I won't be your dirty little secret, we are done"

"What? I don't understand" he says looking confused "what's going on?"

"I saw you with her Joe" I say "I saw you with your wife" I say my voice cracking slightly and Joe's face drops.

"Baby it's not what you think" he say reaching for me but I move out of the way

"Save it, I'm not your baby, we're done Joe" I say walking back to my car "one strike and you're out remember" I shout over my shoulder

"Jas please let me explain" he calls after me but I ignore him and get in the car driving away from the arena. Looking in my rear view mirror I see Joe fall to his knees and put his head in his hands. After what he did he has no right to be upset over this, he lied to me, he kept the fact he was married from me and he hurt me, the only one who has any right to be upset is me.

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