On The Way

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The second I ended the call with my mum I packed up all my stuff, checked out of the hotel and headed straight for the airport and the next flight to Pensacola. I called Stephanie and Colby on the way to let them know what was happening.

I took a cab to the airport so that I didn't have to worry about parking, once I arrive at the airport I make a beeline for the flight desk.

"I need a seat on the first flight to Pensacola" I say before the desk clerk has chance to speak.

"Ok I have one in two hours" she says

Nodding I hand over my card to pay for the ticket, it's not ideal but it will have to do, fortunately we chose a hospital that is ten minutes from the airport just in case this happened. I take my card and my ticket from the desk clerk, check in my case and then head to the departure lounge.

Taking a seat I take out my phone and call my mum to let her know what's happening with me.

"Figlio, where are you?" She asks when she answers the phone

"I'm at the airport" I say "flights in two hours, so I should be home in three and a half hours, how is she?"

"She's doing ok" she says "we have to wait for her contractions to be closer together or her water to break before we take her in"

"Can I talk to her?" I ask

"Sure just a second" my mum says and I hear her telling Jas that its me.

"Joe" she says as she comes on the phone

"Hey baby" I say

"Joe I need you" she says the pain evident in her voice

"I know I'm on my way, I'll be with you as soon as I can" I say trying to reassure her

"She's early, it's not time" she says and it's clear she's panicking

"Hey, everything is going to be alright" I soothe "You're going to bring our little girl safely into this world and she is going to be perfect"

"I love you" she sighs

"I love you too" I say "I love you both so much"

2 hours later
Jasmine POV

Joe stayed on the phone with me right up until he had to board his flight, by that time my contractions were close enough together for me to head to the hospital.
While hearing his voice had helped a little, what I really needed was for him to be here with me, I know he will be here soon I just hope he gets here before she does.

"Ok pele let's get you in the car" Sika says helping me stand

With his help I slowly get to my feet and the second I am stood up straight I feel something running down my legs and when I look at the floor there is a small puddle forming at my feet.

"Oh my god" I gasp

"It's alright, don't panic" Patricia says "let's just get you to the hospital"

Patricia and Sika take one of my hands each and guide me out to the car, Patricia gets in the back seat with keeping hold of my hand while Sika drives.

"I hope Joe gets here before she does" I pant "I know he wants to be there when she arrives"

"He won't be long now" she says "we just have to hope she takes her time"

We pull up at the hospital and Patricia helps me out of the car just in time for me to see a car pull up behind us, I can't see who is in it  but that doesn't stop me getting my hopes up.

"Is that Joe?" I ask

"Can't be his flight won't have gotten in yet" his mum says

"Then who......oh no" I groan as Randy steps out of the drivers side door.

"Jas are you alright? I'm sorry I never meant for....."

"I thought I told you to leave" Patricia snaps cutting him off

"Please I just want to help" he pleads

"You can help by getting your ass out of here before my son arrives" Sika says as they both flank me and walk me towards the hospital entrance

"What did you see in him" Patricia asks as she shakes her head

"I know this is going to sound crazy but he is not a bad person" I say "what he did was wrong and I will never forgive him for it but he is a good man he doesn't have a bad bone in his body, he just needs to accept it's over and move on"

"Well if he's still here when Joe gets here it's broken bones he'll need to worry about" she says "honey stay here and wait for Joe, make sure he comes straight to Jas we don't need him getting in a fight"

"I'll bring him to you as soon as he gets here pele don't worry" he says kissing the side of my head before heading back towards the entrance.

"My daughter in law is in labour, her contractions are four minutes apart and her water broke around ten minutes ago" Patrica says as we reach the desk

Within seconds some one appears with a wheel chair and she sits me in it, as they start to wheel me away I find myself frantically looking around for Patricia not wanting to be alone.

"I'm right here honey" she says appearing beside me "don't worry I'm going to stay with you until Joe gets here"

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