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Jasmine POV

After our training session Joe had made the suggestion of letting his parents take Kalia for the night so that we could have some time just the two of us. And while I know it had been a while since we had had any time together I was comfortable with Kalia being away from me.

"alright my mum will be here soon is babygirls bag packed" he asks

"yeah but....."

"hey she's going to be fine" he says pulling me into his arms "she'll be in good hands"

"I know it's just......"

"Baby listen to me, you will be coming back to work in two weeks" he says "you need to get used to her not being with you because believe me if you don't leaving her will be harder than hell"

"You managed" I say with a weak chuckle

"The first time I left you two after she was born I wanted to turn my car around and come straight back" he says "the second I pulled off the drive it hurt me right here" he says placing a hand over his heart "I got used to it over time, but I want you to be ok with it before you come back to work so it won't be so hard"

I'm about to say something when there is a knock on the door followed my his mum calling out to us, I let out and sigh and Joe kisses my forehead before lifting Kalia out of her crib and grabbing the bag I have packed for her.

I follow him out of the nursery and downstairs to where his mum is waiting and watch as he hands our baby girl over to her.

"you be a good girl for grandma agelu" he says kissing her head "daddy loves you and he's going to miss you so much"

I walk over slowly as Joe makes a fuss of our daughter, Patricia looks up and seeing my face she smiles.

"The first time is always the hardest" she smiles "she'll be fine, just enjoy  your evening with Joe"

"I know thankyou Patricia" I smile "I'll see you soon sweetpea, I love you, and mummy is going to miss you to" I say giving my daughter a kiss on the cheek.

Once we've said our goodbyes Patricia leaves and I feel like my heart has just shattered, I just stand there staring at the door as the tears fall down my face, it's taking everything in me not to go after them and bring her back. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn and bury my face into Joes chest

"it's ok baby" he says wrapping his arms around me "she'll be fine"

 "I know I just didn't want to let her go just yet" I say

Joe says nothing just leans down and captures my lips with his, I return the kiss melting into him, he moves his kisses down my neck "Joe" I moan and I feel him smile against my neck "shh baby let me take your mind off things" he says in the low sexy voice that I have never been able to resist.

Stepping back from me Joe takes my hand and leads me towards the stairs, when we reach the foot of the stairs he scoops me up bridal style and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"This is our last night before I go back to work" he says "and our first one alone, so you and me are going to make the most of it"

Next Day


Placing my bag down on the hotel room bed I sit beside it and sigh, last night with Jas had been amazing it had been the first time we had made love since Kalia arrived and it had felt so good to be with her again.

I had had to leave her sleeping as I had an early flight I didn't want to leave her but I had no choice, it was also strange not having Kalia there to say goodbye to, but letting her go to my mums and been more than worth it.

Opening my bag I reach for my toiletry bag thinking I would take an early shower since I didn't have one yesterday when my hand hits something solid, I look in my bag and see a Jar filled with what looks like pieces of paper, lifting it out I turn it to read the label 100 reasons why I love you I recognise the handwriting as Jas's she must have left this in my bag for me to find.

Unscrewing the lid I take out one of the pieces of paper and unfold it you make me feel special, smiling at the note I take out another one, you give the best hugs, with smile on my face getting bigger I pull out a third one, you are an amazing father.

Deciding to save the rest so that I can look at them each day I am away from her I put the Jar back in my bag and grab my phone, it's not long before he face appears on my screen.

"Hey baby" she smiles "your mum just left, Kalia is fast asleep"

"I love you" I smile and she smiles back at me

"I love you too" she says "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I found the jar" I say and she blushes slightly "I love it thank you, you are amazing baby"

"I wanted to do something to show you how much I love you" she says "I thought this would be something you can keep and look at while your away"

"I'm sorry I had to leave so early" I say "I miss you both"

"We miss you too" she says "you be careful alright, don't go getting hurt"

"I won't I promise" I chuckle "Besides it would be no good me being out injured when my chieftess returns

"You ready to rule smackdown baby?" she asks

"You bet your ass I am" I laugh "and I can't wait to do it with you by my side"

a/n big thankyou to the lovely @xMrsHardy for the gift idea, thank you so much once again for your help 😊❤

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