Worth More

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Later that night

Jasmine POV

After the I left the gym I had gone straight back to my room and I had stayed there for the remainder of the day. After Joe had acted like nothing had happened and like nothing had changed between us I didn't want to see him.

I mean I wanted answers I wanted to know why but I knew if I looked at him I wouldn't stay mad at him, how could I the man is tall dark and handsome personified!

Maybe I'm reading too much into it? Or maybe he's changed his mind? If he has then I wish he would have just told me instead of acting like that.

"Jas" he calls through the door as if on cue "you in there"

"What do you want Joe?" I ask opening the door and he smirks

"Oh I think you know what I want baby girl" he says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to him, closing the door behind him

"I don't think so" I say pushing him off me

"What's wrong?" He asks "has something changed?"

"Yeah you" I say looking him in the eye and he looks confused "in the gym acting like nothing had happened like nothing had changed between us! I won't be your dirty little secret Joe, I may not be worth a whole lot but I'm worth more than that" I say walking over to the window

"Hang on a second" he says following me "firstly you are not a dirty little secret, we hadn't discussed telling people so I thought it was best if I acted as normal" he says turning me to face him "and secondly don't you ever sell yourself short like that, baby you are worth everything and then some" he says wiping a tear from my cheek

"And if I said I wanted people to know about us?" I ask

"Then I'd say ditto" he smiles "but I'd also ask if I could have you to myself for just a little bit longer, you know before all the questions start"

"You are impossible to stay mad at you know that?" I smile

"So does that mean I can stay tonight?" He smirks

"Yeah you can stay" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him


It honestly hadn't occurred to me that acting the way I did would upset her, I just assumed she would understand.
At least she accepted what I said about acting normal becuase we hadn't discussed telling people, that is somewhat of a relief.

Although that is one of the reasons for acting the way I did it's not the main reason, but soon enough that won't be an issue anymore and then I'm letting the whole world know that Jasmine is my girl.

I honestly can't believe she thinks so little of herself though, how can she not see her worth or how amazing she is?

"You ok there big dog?" She asks

"Yeah" I chuckle "just admiring the view"

"I bet it's not as good as my view" she smiles gazing at my now shirtless torso and biting her lip

"No it's better" I smirk pulling her close to me and kissing her

As I claim her lips with mine her hands travel up to my hair removing the hair tie, chuckling against her lips I lift her up and carry her over to the bed laying her down.

"I like your hair down" she says moving it out of my face "it looks sexy"

Smiling I lean down and kiss her once again, staying away from her all day has damn near killed me, I just can't get enough of her. Everything about her drives me crazy and I just want to be with her all the time, I can't wait until I can tell everyone that this beautiful woman is mine.

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