Day Out

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Next morning

Jasmine POV

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I ask as Joe pulls off the drive way

"You'll see when we get there" he chuckles "I told you it's a suprise, it's only an hours drive so it won't be long"

"An hour" I say "you do know that agelu will be out by the time we get there, I don't want you to be disappointed when she sleeps through your suprise"

"It's fine I will wake her when we get there" he smiles

"You'll what" I say looking at him "you know what go ahead but you can deal with little miss grumpy for the day"

Kalia is very much like her dad she doesn't like being woken up before she is ready and you do so at your own peril, I learned very quickly that it is not worth having a grumpy little girl all day, it's far better to let her wake up on her own.

"Grumpy?" Joe says looking confused "she's never been grumpy when I've woken her up"

"Of course she hasn't" I say rolling my eyes "she obviously save that for me, daddys girl through and through" I chuckle

"What can I say she loves her dada" he laughs

"Yeah and I can't blame her for that" I smile

Joe takes my hand and lifts it to his lips kissing it gently all the while keeping his eyes on the road.

Just like Joe had said the drive took exactly and hour and when he pulled up to the entrance to the car park I could hardly believe where he had brought us, something told me I was going to enjoy this way more than Kalia.

"No way" I gasp as he parks up "for real? We are really spending the day here?" I ask

"Yes we are" he smiles "unless of course you don't want to?"

"Are you crazy?" I ask "it's freaking Disney world of course I want to" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek excitedly.

"I knew you'd be happy" he chuckles as he gets out of the car, he opens up the back door and leans in, he gently rubs Kalia's cheek who just as I had predicted had fallen asleep

"Ok agelu time to wake up babygirl" he says as he continues to rub her cheek gently and to my suprises she opens her eyes and smiles at him, not a single drop of grumpiness.

Joe lifts her out of her car seat and carries her round to the trunk to get her pushchair, I watch had he unfolds it and sets it up with one hand something I have never been able to master and the  sits her in it.

"I'm going to need you to teach me how to do that" I say as I walk over to them and he laughs

"Sure" he smiles as he places Kalias bag over the handles "alright you ready to help dada find mickey mouse?" He asks her and she smiles.

"First stop mickey ears" I smile

"You two can have whatever you want" he says wrapping an arm around me as we walk

"Oh I was meaning for all three of us" I smirk

"No way, I ain't wearing mickey ears" he says shaking his head

"Not even if agelu wants you too" I smirk

"Oh now that's not fair, you know I can't say no to my babygirl" he laughs

As we walk down the main street towards the castle I spot the shop and drag Joe over to it, I get a pair of sparkly Minnie mouse ears for me and Kalia and some plain mickey ones for Joemuch to his displeasure.

We carry on until will reach the castle where we stop, I put Kalia's ears on and then hand Joe his and he looks at me sceptically.

"Come on I want to take a picture of the two of you" I pout

"You are lucky I love you" he smiles kissing my nose before putting the ears on and lifting Kalia out of her push chair. Standing infront of the castle he smiles at Kalia as I take a photo of the two of them and she looks up at him.

"Dada looks silly doesn't he" he says to her and she smiles

"She likes you in mickey ears" I giggle "you look cute"

"Your turn" he says handing Kalia to me and putting my ears on for me "beautiful" he says as we smile while he takes a photo

Joe takes Kalia and puts her back in her pushchair "so where do you want to take her first?" He asks as he fastens her in "we could take her on the winnie the pooh ride or we could take her to see the animals" he suggests but I say nothing just smile at him "what?" He asks

"I love you" I smile

"I love you too baby" he says kissing me lovingly "now winnie the pooh or animals?" He asks again

"Lets take her to see the animals" I say "I know she'd love that"

"Animals it is" he says "come on we'll take the monorail save you walking everywhere" he says placing an arm around me as we start walking

"I don't mind walking" I say

"Baby I want you to enjoy today and you won't do that if you are exhausted with an achy back and feet" he says kissing my temple "please let me look after you"

"Alright" I smile "on one condition, you wear those ears for the rest of the day"

"Deal" he chuckles "I'm kind of getting used to them anyway"

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