Deja Vu

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Two weeks later

Jasmine POV

Moving back to Pensacola had been easy then I had expected with Joe's help and to say I was glad to be home was an understatement. I had also noticed a change in Kalia, she seemed happier almost and she was smiling a lot more, I wasn't sure but maybe the separation had affected her in some way, maybe she did notice what was going on.

Joe was now home with us as he had taken early paternity leave which Stephanie had also allowed him to extend so that he could be home with us for longer once Makoa had arrived. I was two weeks away from where I was when Kalia was born and having  Joe here helped me worry less.

Walking into the kitchen to put the groceries away I feel a twinge in my stomach.

"Woah" I gasp gripping the worktop "no no no not now, it's not time" I say "it's ok it's nothing no need to panic" I try to reassure myself but it doesn't work.

I continue to unpack the shopping trying to ignore what had happened, Joe was upstairs changing Kalia and I wasn't going to disturb him for some random nothing twinge, which is what is was wasn't it?

I finish unpacking the shopping and putting it away and make myself a cup of tea.

"Alright all clean" Joes says walking into the room "hey I told you I'd put the shopping away" he says

"It's ok I managed to......ahh shit" I gasp as I get another twinge

"Baby are you ok?" He asks as he places Kalia in her high chair "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing really" I say as he walks over and places his hands on my shoulders "Joe it has to be nothing"

"Ok calm down" he says "it's probably braxton hicks you know a false alarm"

"I hope so becuase it is far too early" I say

"Look I'm going to call my mum and get her to take agelu" he says "and then I'm going to take you to the hospital to be on the safe side"

"No call my midwife" I say "see what she says first"

As Joe calls his mum I make myself comfortable on the couch, within minutes his mum is hear and he is on the phone to my midwife.

"Yeah she's 34 weeks" I hear him say "she's only had two contractions so far"

Just as he says that I get another twinge "Joe" I shout "I had another one"

"Alright" he says walking in the room "have you got any period like pain?" He asks

"Yeah a little" I say

"Have your waters broke at all?" He asks

"No they haven't" I say shaking my head

"And do you have any back pain?" He asks

"Yes some" I say "why is that bad?" I ask as he continues to talk to the midwife.

"Alright I need to get you to the hospital" he says helping me stand after ending the call "she thinks you may be in labour"

"No Joe I can't be it's way too early, he can't come now" I panic

"Just try to stay calm baby" he says kissing my temple "I'm going to be with you, you are both going to be fine" he says trying to reassure me.

Joe grabs my hospital bag and helps me out to the car, he drives calmly but I can tell he is worrying just as much as I am. When we arrive at the hospital we find the midwife had called ahed as are met by some one with a wheelchair.
Joe helps me into the chair and walks beside me holding my hand, when they get me to a room he helps me on to the bed unsurprisingly not letting the staff help me at all.

"Ok Miss Knowles" the doctor says "so how long have you been having contractions?"

"About an hour" Joe answers

"Ok and you have period like pain, and back pain is that right?" He asks

"Yes" I say "please is there any chance this is a false alarm?" I plead

"It's possible you are only 34 weeks" he says "we will keep you here for now, keep an eye on you, and then we can assess the situation"

"And what if she is in labour" Joe asks "will our boy be alright?"

"Well I can't say conclusively until he's born" he says "but I don't see any reason why not, he may have to spend some time in an incubator and he may need a little help with his breathing and feeding, you are one week short of your eighth month which is an advantage"

"Thank you doctor" he says shaking his hand before the doctor leaves.

"Joe" I say tears in my eyes "I'm sorry"

"Hey baby this is not your fault" he says sitting on the bed next to me "you have done nothing wrong, you heard the doctor he is going to be alright"

I move over slightly to allow Joe to lay beside me and I rest my head on his chest, Joe gently strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm glad you're here" I say

"Me too" he says kissing my head one more time "and I'm staying right here I'm not going anywhere ok, I won't leave you"

The waiting I can handle but the not knowing was killing me, I just wanted an answer was I in labour or not, and more than anything I wanted our baby boy to be alright.

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