Bridges Are Burned?

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"Hey Randy wait" I call out stopping him as he opens the door

"Yeah?" He asks

"How is Jas?" I ask genuinely concerned

"Honestly she's a mess, she doesn't sleep, she barely eats and she spends most of her time laying in her hotel room bed" he says "she misses you Joe"

"Thanks" I say and he leaves

Had I really messed her up that badly? Yes I had and the state she was in was all my fault. Randy was right I needed to talk to her, im had let this go for far too long, and while there maybe no way back to what we had we could at least be friends.

Grabbing my phone I head out of my room and down the corridor to Jas's room, I knock gently on the door but get no answer, trying the handle I find the door is unlocked which means she was expecting a visitor, not me but some one.

As I step into the room, I see Jas fast asleep on the bed laying on her back her hands resting just above her bump, I could see that she had lost weight, she was thinner now but she still looked beautiful.
Not wanting to wake her I walk quietly over to the bed and crouch down beside her

"What have I done to you?" I sigh "I'm so sorry I never should have waited this long"

My eyes travel down her body to her baby bump, reaching out I place a hand gently on the bump and the second I do I feel the baby move, feeling the little girl moving inside Jas was nothing short of magical.

"Hey little lady" I whisper "I don't know if I'm your daddy but I want to be, your mum is an amazing woman and I was a fool to let her go, I love her more than anything but I wouldn't be suprised if she hates me now" I say smiling as the baby continues to move while I talk "you see I messed up, I hurt her and if she was awake right now I'd tell that I'm sorry and that I was an idiot, and that I've missed her everyday since I walked away but I've burned my bridges and there is no repairing them"

Jasmine POV

Laying perfectly still although Joe didn't know it I was awake and I had heard every word he had said to the baby. As I feel his hand leave my bump I'm desperate to open my eyes and ask him not to leave but then I feel the bed dip and I realise he has laid next to me as his hand finds my bump once more.

The second he had first touched my bump I had felt her move, I had felt every move she made while he was talking to her. She had never once moved for Randy no matter how hard he tried or how much he talked to her, was this some kind of sign? Does my little girl know who her daddy is? Or maybe she just likes the sound of his voice more than Randy's.

Joe's words meant everything to me and he was wrong I didn't hate him, I could never hate him I loved him too much. Hearing that he still loved me gave me hope that maybe we could get through this.

I feel something soft and warm against my skin and when I open my eyes I see that Joe is kissing my bump and I can't help the smile that crosses my face. Reaching out I run my fingers over his hair and he turns to look at me.

"Hi" I smile

"Hey" he says smiling back "sorry if I woke you"

"I can think of worse ways to be woken up" I chuckle "it's nice to see you"

"Do you think maybe we could talk?" He asks and I sit myself up slightly.

"Sure" I say "that would be nice"

"Jas I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come and see you" he says "I was hurt and angry and I was stubborn, I know that doesn't make up for the pain I've caused you but I truly am sorry"

"Hey your reaction was perfectly understandable" I say "but you're here now and that's what matters"

"When I came in here and I saw your bump I realised that you and this baby are everything I want" he says "I know she may not be mine but I want her to be"

"I want that too" I say "believe me I want that so much I don't want Randy to be the father"

"Jas do you think you could ever give me another chance?" He asks

"Shouldn't it be me asking you that?" I smile

"I want you back babygirl, I love you, I'm going crazy without you" he smiles back

"But what if she's not yours?" I ask

"Then I will love her just as much as I would if she were mine" he says and my heart melts

"You mean that?" I ask

"Absolutley" he says "I want to be with you regardless of who the father is, which brings me to an important point"

"Oh and whats that?" I ask

"The paternity test" he says "you don't need to do it Jas, Randy and I are both happy to wait, we don't want you risking the baby's life just to get an answer"

"But I need to know Joe" I sigh

"Say you do this and you lose her, how would you feel?" He asks "because I know Randy and I would both be heartbroken"

"Of course I'd be devastated, I don't want to lose my baby girl but what else was I supposed to do?" I ask

"I understand, but I am asking you not to do this, to wait until she arrives" he says "don't take unnecessary risks with her please Jas"

"Alright I'll wait" I say

"Thank you baby" he says kissing my lips "now you and me have a date with a greasy burger and fries, becuase you are going to start eating" he smiles

And for the first time in two months I actually feel like eating, I actually feel hungry. Having Joe back was exactly what I need, and I think in some way my little girl needed him too.

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