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Jasmine POV

"Ok miss Knowles let's have a look and see how you are doing" The doctor says as he places my notes down and begins to lift the blanket off my legs

"My boyfriend, the father, he isn't here yet, is there anything you can do to slow this down?" I ask knowing damn well it's a stupid question and that the answer will be no, she's coming whether he's here or not.

"I'm afraid not" he says giving me a soft smile "alright let's are fully diallated"

"What does that mean?" I ask at this point by brain is a mess and I can't think straight

"It means she will here very soon" he says "we need to get you down to delivery"

"No, no I can't not without Joe" I say clinging to Patricia

"It's alright" she soothes "can I come with her Doctor?"

"If she wants you there then of course" he smiles "and if dad arrives you can swap over"

As I'm taken down to delivery I keep tight hold of Patricia's hand, I am so grateful that I have her here, she has been amazing. I'm taken into a room with nurses and I'm moved on to the bed.

"Ok let's get you comfortable and as soon as you feel the need to push, push" the doctor says taking a seat at the end of the bed.

I adjust myself on the bed and it's not long before the urge to push comes over me, gripping Patricia's hand I push as hard as I can before falling back on the bed.

"Well done, the head is out" he says "now when your ready give me a nice big push so that we can free the shoulders"

"Come on you can do this" Partica says stroking my hair out of my face "Joe will be so proud of you"


As the taxi pulls up outside the hospital I pay the driver and jumped straight out, I find my dad waiting for me at the entrance and he greets me with a hug.

"Where is she?" I ask

"The last message I had said she was going to delivery" he says "leave your bags with me and go"

"Thanks dad" I say before taking off at full speed through the hospital, when I get to the maternity unit I go straight over to the desk.

"I'm looking for the delivery rooms" I say

"Whats the mothers name?" The nurse asks

"Jasmine Knowles, Jasmine Knowles" I say correcting  myself

"Alright, down the corridor third room on the left" she smiles and I nod and run down the corridor.
When I get to the door there is a nurse waiting there, as she sees me approach she smiles.

"Are you the father?" She asks

"Yes I am" I say "is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine" she smiles and opens the door.

When I enter both my mum and Jasmine turn to look at me, letting go of Jasmines hand my mum walk over and gives me a quick hug before leaving the room.

"You made it" Jas pants as I join her at her side and take her hand

"Told you I would" I smile kissing her forehead

"Ok one last big push" the doctor says

I look over at Jas and she looks exhausted but absolutely beautiful at the same time, she smiles up at me her eyes half closed, squeezing my hand she pushes as hard as she can before collapsing back on the bed.

Within seconds our daughters cries fill the room.

"You did it baby" I say "she's here, I'm so proud of you"

"Is she alright?" She asks her voice breaking with emotions

"They're just cleaning her up" the nurse says "becuase she's a little early they are going to give her a shot of antibiotics just incase, and then we will move you both back to your room"

Jasmine POV

Joe watches intently as they clean our daughter up and wrap her up in a blanket never once taking his eyes off her, something tells me this is how it will always be, daddy being protective of his daughter.

Joe watches the nurse as she walks over to me and places her on my chest, as he looks down at our baby girl his brow furrows.

"What's this for?" He asks pointing to the small tube by her nose "is something wrong?"

"It's just a precaution becuase she was early" the nurse said "its just oxygen, so we can make sure her lungs are fine"

"She's perfect" I smile "Joe look at her" I say moving over slightly so that he can sit beside me, as he does so he wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head

"Beautiful just like her momma" he smiles and turns his gaze to me "thank you baby for giving me a beautiful little girl, I love you" he says leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to me lips

"I love you too" I say "I can't believe we made her, she looks like you"

"Welcome to the world Kalia Isa Anoa'i" he says placing a gentle kiss on her head before chuckling "at least I got your name right little one"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Oh I just got your name mixed up that's all" he says "I was a bit flustered"

After a few moments the nurse takes her and places her in a cot and we are both taken back to our room, as the nurse moves the cot to the side of my bed she looks at Joe.

"Would you like to hold her dad?" She asks

"I'd love to" he smiles

"We recommend skin to skin contact, it helps baby adjust to being outside the womb" she says, Joe removes his shirt before taking a seat in the chair next to my bed, the nurse lifts Kalia out of the cot and places her on Joe's chest.

The smile on Joe's face as he looks down at his baby girl definitely  makes all the pain worth it, he gently places his hand near her head and slowly rubs his thumb along her hair and I can't help but chuckle at how big his hands look next to her.

As I watch Joe I get myself comfortable in the bed, he kisses her head gently and I close my eyes as he starts to talk to her.

"I want you to know that I love you, no matter what happens, no matter where we have to go, daddy is always with you, he always misses you and he loves you with all his heart" he says quietly and I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face

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