Boy or Girl

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Next Morning

Jasmine POV

As I open my eyes I fully expect to find myself on the couch with a blanket over me. Joe and I had talked late into the night, we had laughed, joked, even shed a few tears between the two of us and it was almost like we had never been apart.

As I stretch slightly I realise that I am in my bed, and the only conclusion is that Joe put me here, of course I should of known that he wouldn't let me sleep on the couch. As I take the covers off I realise that putting me to bed wasn't the only thing he did, he somehow managed to change me into my nightwear.

I reach for the baby monitor to check on Kalia only to find it's gone, I get out of bed and pad to her room, as I look through the door I see her crib is empty. Assuming she is downstairs with Joe I start to leave the room but then I hear her through the baby monitor, making the usual sounds she makes when she's sleeping.

I head down the hall to the spare room and open the door quietly, what I see makes my heart soar, Joe is fast asleep with his hand on Kalia's stomach, she is sleeping soundly beside him holding on to his thumb. I lean against the door frame and smile at them both. After a few moments of watching them sleep I head downstairs to make breakfast.

When I get to the kitchen I find all the breakfast prep has been done all I need to do is start a pot of coffee.

"Good morning"

Turning I find Joe behind me putting Kalia in her high chair

"Morning" I smile

"I had planned to finish" he says motioning towards the breakfast things "but agelu woke up, so I thought I'd lay with her to get her back off to sleep and I must have fallen asleep with her"

"No need to apologise" I say "you really didn't need to do all this"

"I wanted to" he says "I've missed doing this, and I hope you didn't mind me putting you to bed, if I over stepped the mark I'm sorry"

"No, no it's fine" I smile "so what do you want?" I ask grabbing a plate

"Actually I'm going to go have a shower if that's ok?" He asks

"Oh sure of course" I say giving him a half smile

As he leaves I get on with making Kalia's breakfast of porridge and  mashed banana, grabbing the bowl and a spoon I take a seat in front of her and raise the spoon to her lips.

"Dada" she says pushing the spoon away

"Dada is in the shower sweetpea" I say trying again

"Dada" she says pushing the spoon away again

"I understand" I sigh "I miss him too, but mummy needs you to eat your breakfast"

On the third try she takes the food, but it is painfully clear that my little girl misses her dad as much as I do.

Later that morning

Jasmine POV

After breakfast my mum and dad come to watch Kalia as we head off for the scan.
The drive to the hospital is quiet, my mind is firmly fixed on what happend this morning with Kalia.

"We're here" Joe says shaking me from my thoughts

"Right, are you ready to find out what we are having?" I ask

"More than ready" he smiles "as long as the baby is healthy I don't mind what it is"

As we are taken into the scan room Joe takes hold of my hand and I don't stop him, he keeps hold of it as the nurse spreads the jelly on my stomach and starts to move the scanner around.

"Here we go" she smiles "baby is doing well and here is the heart beat" she says clicking a button.

As the sound of the baby's heart beat fills the room, Joe's grip on my hand tightens and he kisses my knuckles, when I look at him I see his eyes a brimming with tears and instinctively I reach out and run my hand over his hair and he smiles at me.

"Alright would you like to know what you are having" she asks

"Yes please" we say together

"Ok let's have a look it's a...........boy" she smiles

"One of each" Joe smiles as the tears run down his cheeks "thank you" he says kissing my knuckles again

"I'll go print your pictures while you get cleaned up" the nurse says leaving the room.

"Joe I've been thinking" I say as I clean myself up "um would you like to stay for the weekend? I'm sure Kalia would like to be with us both"

"I appreciate the offer but me staying will only confuse her" he says "I think it's best if I take her back to mine"

"And if I said I wanted you to stay?" I ask

"I'd remind you of what I said last night about not rushing anything" he says "we need to work out what we are first"

"And you think we can do that when we are 6 hours apart?" I say "I'm trying here Joe, I really am but if we can't spend time with each other then what is the point?"

"I don't want to fight Jas" he says standing up "so I'm going to wait at the car and let you cool off"

Before I have chance to say anything he leaves the room and left wondering what the hell is going on, we had made progress last night, we were like we always were and now, now it's as if he doesn't want to be around me. I meant what I said this morning I miss him, I miss us, but I'm starting to wonder if our time has passed.

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