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As we pull up outside my parents house I couldn't help but wish we were back home in bed. Once I had her naked under those sheets I wanted to stay there, I couldn't help it I just simply can not get enough of her.

Getting out of the car I walk round to the passenger side I open her door and help her out of the car.

"It's not to late" I whisper "we can get back in the car, go home and pick up where we left off"

"Tempting but no" she chuckles "I want to meet your family, besides we'll have plenty of time alone after tonight"

As she walks up to the door I can't help but watch her, she's wearing a full length skin tight maxi dress that clings to every curve and shows off her growing baby bump perfectly, she looked incredible and it still amazes me that she's mine.

Catching up to her I knock and open the door, the second we walk through the door I am wrapped up in my mothers arms.

"It's so good to see you figlio(son)" she says "It's been too long"

"Hey mum" I chuckle "it's good to see you too"

"Wow you weren't kidding about her being beautiful" she says looking at Jas "you must be Jasmine, it's lovely to finally meet you"

"It's lovely to meet you too" Jas smiles as my mum hugs her

"Oh look at this" my mum gushes reaching out and placing her hands on Jas's bump "what are you having?"

"We're having a girl" I smile proudly

"Oh wonderful" she says "and how are you feeling? Is pregnancy treating you well?"

"So far so good" Jas says "I've had no problems yet"

"Lovely now come both of you your dad is waiting" she says leading us into the main part of the room.

"Ah atali'l (son) you look well" my father says greeting me with a hug

"Hi dad, I'm good, how are you?" I ask

"I can't grumble" he smiles "Jasmine welcome it's lovely to meet you"

"It's lovely to meet you too" she says accepting my dads hug just as she had my mums

"my son is right you are beautiful" he smiles

"You're son is too kind" she says smiling at me "but thank you"

"So Leati tells me you did a maternity shoot" my mum asks

"Yes I have the pictures on my phone would you like to see?" Jas asks, nodding my mum takes her by the hand and leads her over the couch.

"You look happy Leati" my dad smiles

"I am happy dad" I smile my eyes still on Jas "she makes me happy"

"Do you love her?" He asks

"With all my heart" I say "I can't imagine being without her, she is giving me the greatest gift, a daughter, and that means everything to me, she's perfect for me dad"

"Then don't be afraid to take that final step" he says and I know what he is getting at

"I've already failed as a husband once, I don't want to fail again, I don't want to fail her" I say looking at the ground "if I fail I lose her and I don't ever want to lose her again"

Jasmine POV

"Jasmine these are beautiful" Joe's mum gushes as I show her the maternity photos

"Thank you Mrs Anoa'i" I say

"Call me Patricia" she smiles "and my husband is Sika, he name is actually Leati but it can get confusing when both of them are in the room" she says and I laugh "the two of you look perfect together and you both look so happy"

"Your son makes me very happy" I smile "he is a wonderful man and I love him very much"

"I know the two of you didn't get off to the best start" she says and I look at her wondering exactly what he's told her "don't worry I'm not judging you, we all make mistakes, he confided in me becuase he was heartbroken"

"I never meant to hurt your son" I say as a tear falls down my cheek "I would never hurt him, he means everything to me"

"I know I can see that" she says taking my hand in hers "after his marriage ended he felt like he had failed even though it wasn't his fault, Galina didn't want children and he did. But then he met you and he thought he had been given another chance, but when you split up he thought believed he had failed again and that he wasn't good enough, not just for you but for anyone"

"I had no idea he never told me" I say and she gives my hand a squeeze

"One thing to learn with an Anoa'i man, they show love and they show anger everything else they keep to themselves" she says "he only told me becuase I dragged it out of him" she says making me chuckle "call me a soppy romantic but I believe his marriage failed becuase it's you he is supposed to be with, you are the one who is meant to be his wife"

"I would love to marry Joe" I smile "but I don't think he wants to get married again"

"Maybe not now, but give him time" she says "he just needs to see that he's not going to fail this time, and believe me it won't take him long to figure that out"

Giving me one last smile she heads off to find Joe's dad and it's not long before Joe joins me.

"Hey baby how are you doing?" He asks

"I'm fine" I say, I wasn't angry at him for telling his mum what had happend but I was hurt that he didn't tell me, if he had I would have been prepared for that conversation.

"Baby what's wrong?" He says taking my hands in his

"Why didn't you tell me you told her" I ask and he sighs and hangs his head

"Honestly I didn't think she would mention it" he says "I'm sorry I should have told you, I just didn't want you to worry that she thought badly of you becuase she doesn't"

"I know" I say squeezing his hand "I'm not mad Joe I just wish you had told me, and I want you to know something"

"What is it baby?" He asks and I take his face in my hands and look in to his eyes

"You are good enough Joe, you are more than good enough" I say "and you always will be good enough, I love you"

"I love you so much baby" he says pulling me into his arms "you have no idea what it means to hear you say that"

I had had no idea what he had been feeling after everything with Randy happened, and I felt awful that I had caused him to feel that way, and that's why I needed him to know that he was wrong, that he was good enough and that I loved him. I may never get to be Mrs Anoa'i but am I damn sure going to spend the rest of my life loving this man.

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