Broken Dreams

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one week later

Jasmine POV

When I had found Joe last week we had gone back to the hotel and celebrated my win all be it carefully, I loved that he was so proud of me and what we were achieving together we were on a roll and I wasn't ready to get off this ride just yet. Tonight I was a match away from making history and putting myself right where I wanted to be, for the first time in my career I was finally being taken seriously and nothing was going to make me give this up.

As I stretch out in the locker room a knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts

"Come in" I call out and Stephanie pops her head round the door

"Hey Jas would you mind coming with me for a minute" she asks

"Sure what's up" I ask following her out of the locker room feeling both nervous and scared

"The doctor has asked to see you" she says "there were some anomalies with your blood tests and he would like to do another test"

"What kind of anomalies?" I ask

"He didn't say" she says "but he said the test he needs to do won't take long"

When I walk into the medical room the doctor is waiting for me, we both take a seat and Stephanie leaves the room, I take a deep breath as the doctor starts to talk

"As I am sure Stephanie has already explained there were some unusual results on your tests" he says "I have an idea of what has caused this I just need to do one test to confirm it"

"Alright" I say holding out my arm

"Oh I don't need blood" he says "I just need you to take one of these" he says handing me a very familiar white stick, I reach out a shaking hand and take it from him. I say nothing just leave the room and head for the nearest bathroom.


one hour later

I had walked around every inch of backstage looking for Jas but there was no sign of her anywhere, her match tonight had been cancelled and no one would tell me why, not even Stephanie she just said that Jas should be the one to tell me.

"Hey Colby" I call out as I spot him warming up

"Hey man what's up" he asks

"Have you seen Jas?" I ask "her match has been cancelled, no one will tell me why and I can't find her, I'm starting to get worried"

"Last time I saw her she was heading to the parking lot with her stuff" he says "I tried to talk to her but she just asked me to leave her alone"

"Damn it" I sigh "I have a match, I can't leave I'll have to try calling her again"

Taking my phone out of my pocket I dial her number and listen as it rings and then her voicemail kicks in, sighing I end the call and put my phone away before kicking a box in frustration.

"Hey I'm sure she's fine" Colby says trying to reassure me "give her some time and I'm sure she will call you"

back at the hotel

Jasmine's POV

Sitting on the bed with my title beside me I could hardly believe what was happening, I was finally where I wanted to be and our carelessness was going to cost me everything. This was not supposed to happen, not yet anyway.

Don't get me wrong I was happy to be having another child with Joe, this is what we both want but I'm also angry that it's happened right when I didn't want it to. I stare at my phone as it rings again and Joe's name flashes across the screen, I don't want to speak to him right now, I need time to get my head around everything.

Taking another glance at my title I run my fingers over my plates that had only been added a few days ago, I couldn't believe my reign had been this short, and that me making history wasn't going to happen anytime soon.


I had been calling Jas constantly right up to a few minutes before my match but had got no answer, to say I was worried was an understatement, especially since some one had told me they had seen her going to medical with Stephanie.

"Joe I know you have a lot on your mind right now" Paul says "but you need to focus the last thing you need is to go out there and botch a move, I promise while you are out there I will call Jas myself and find out what is going on"

"I know I need to focus but I'm scared Paul" I sigh "What is something is wrong with her, what if.......what if....."

"don't even go there" he says "whatever it is I am sure it's not that bad she probably just needs time to get her head around it"

Nodding as my music hits I head out through the curtain, as I try to focus the only thing on my mind is what the hell is going on with Jas

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