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Next Morning

Jasmine POV

Laying on my side watching Joe sleep in the early morning light I couldn't keep the smile from my face. Last night had been unexpected but amazing, in the heat of the moment there was nothing I wouldn't have let him do last but as always he was respectful. He had said that he wanted us to do this right, to take our time and take that step when the time was right. The night had consisted of a lot of making out and a little heavy petting but nothing more.

This wasn't supposed to happen, he wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to be keeping my focus on my career not getting involved with some one. A small part of me had hoped that last night would have gotten him out of my system but right now if anything I only wanted him more. And I know that no matter how hard I try I won't be able to stay away from him and I really don't want to.

I gently move some strands of hair off his face, I had taken his hair down almost straight away, and seeing him with his long dark hair falling down past his shoulders he had been nothing short of breath-taking. Studying his face and his handsome features I can't believe I had got him so wrong, he wasn't the asshole I thought he was, he was sweet, affectionate, caring and without a hint of ego. The man sleeping soundly beside me was everything I thought he wasn't.

I had said so many horrible things just about him but too him, I had judged him without knowing him and I hated myself for that. It's then that another realisation hits me, I don't deserve this man at all, the only thing I deserve is his hatred and his anger.

"Hey beautiful" he smiles as his beautiful brown eyes flutter open

"Hey handsome" I smile back

"did you sleep alright?" he asks tucking my hair behind my ear

"Like a baby" I saying leaning into his touch as he rubs his thumb along my cheek, truth was it was the best nights sleep I had had in a long time "what about you?"

"I slept great" he says "I'm a little cold though" I look down at his shirtless torso and bedsheet that sits just below his his hips, I reach out the pull the bedsheet up and he stops me. "that's not what I need" he says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him making me giggle "this is what I need" he says lifting my chin and kissing me.

As his lips claim mine I find myself unwilling to stop him despite the small voice saying "stop this you don't deserve it". He runs his tongue over my bottom lip and I allow him entrance melting into him as his tongue dances with mine.

He rolls me onto my back and moves himself on top of me never breaking the kiss, as he deepens the kiss my hands move down his back to the waist band of his boxers and I tug gently.

"All in good time baby" he says as he kisses my neck "I promise it will be worth the wait"

"I don't want to wait Joe" I breath as he moves his kisses to my collar bone "I need you"

"I need you too baby but I want to do this right" he says looking down into my eyes "believe me this is killing me as much as it's killing you but we've only just started this and I would like to date you first"


As I look down at Jas her eyes half closed and a small smile on her face I can hardly believe this is real. I hadn't wanted to to open my eyes this morning as I had been afraid I would find it had all been a dream.

Believe me right now I wanted her as much as she wanted me but I also wanted to do this right, I wanted us to get to know each other better, I wanted us to build our relationship before it became physical. We had only got together last night and I didn't want to rush things.

"you're lucky you're gorgeous" she chuckles "otherwise I'd be kicking you out of here for being a tease"

"oh is that so?" I smirk "well in that case" I say lifting myself off her

"hey I didn't say you could move" she laughs pulling me back down to her

Smiling I lean down and capture her lips once more, as we kiss her hands move up my back and into my hair. I don't think I will ever get enough of this woman.

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